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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
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Social Construction of and Relationship Between Gender and Biomedicine

Essay Instructions:

Write a short story or piece of speculative fiction that images a different social construction of and relationship between gender and biomedicine (see for example, Ursula LeGuin’s The Left Hand of Darkness).

You will present the topic of your paper, the argument you are making, and the readings you will be drawing on. Presentations should be done using PowerPoint, and include a cover slide and 2-3 additional slides. Slides are due via Canvas or email by 5pm the night before your assigned presentation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Parents expect their sons to be manly, while their daughters are expected to be womanly. Even when their children are young, their parents assign gender roles to them. For example, parents believe that blue is associated with boys, whereas pink is associated with boys. Furthermore, parents will design their children’s rooms based on gender, for example, ball themed for boys or flower themed for girls (Fausto-Sterling, 2000). The parents also suggest to their children that there are different toys for each gender. Boys must only play with balls, guns, or cars, while girls must only play with dolls and stuffed toys. However, parents cannot tell their children what they should feel, do, or express, especially if their children’s bodies tell them otherwise. In addition, technology and medicine can help with a person’s desire to acquire another gender. This paper recalls the story of Hart and Val, revealing the proper relationship between gender and sexuality in the short story “Before Transexuality” (Gill-Peterson, 2018). Thus, these two concepts are a rare example of medicine and trans people interacting.
Gender and biomedicine are fundamental to the existence of an identity (Martins et al., 2020), according to Hart and Val’s stories. Hart and Val have faced challenges as a result of their gender. Hart, for example, is one of the first trans men, and the surgery was only possible because Hart was persistent. Hart was torn between dying and refusing to continue living in her misfit role as a woman. Even though Hart was successful in his operation, he was still bothered by discrimination and prejudice. Because the world does not fully comprehend the concepts of sexual orientation and gender, most people still refer to Hart as a lesbian. However, Hart did not let these people’s opinions deter him from pursuing a medical career. Therefore, biomedicine has helped Hart in achieving his desired gender.
Val, on the other hand, is one of the first trans women. The gender identity difficulty exposes Val to a...
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