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Gender and Relation Soldiers and Mothers

Essay Instructions:
Topic:Women and War:Soldiers and Mothers Women as Soldiers read all material first. Be specific rather than general in your answer. Think and assess diverse aspects of the question. Respond from the readings rather than whether you agree or disagree, unless you are sure it adds to the paper. There is no ‘correct' answer, as there are many ways to answer the questions. The answer is not a summary of the topic. The papers need to be well structured, clear, precise and well written. Plan the paper to avoid rambling. Avoid words and phrases such as: in my opinion, in the readings the author said, it could be said that, that the topic is too large to discuss adequately... etc. Please check spelling and grammar.!!!!! Each assignmen must be typed, double-­‐spaced and in a readable font. Cover sheets are not required Online sources ONLY!!! Question: Write a response to one of these questions: In the study of gender and conflict, what changes when women become soldiers or terrorists? OR What ideologies play a role for mothers of soldiers? How do they play this role? 1)Supporting She‘Who Has Borne the Battle, Erin Mulhall http://issuu(dot)com/iava/docs/iava_womensreport_2009 2) What's Special about Female Suicide Terrorism? , Lindsey O'Rourke Security Studies, 18:681–718,2009 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 0963-­‐6412 print / 1556-­‐1852. cpost.uchicago.edu/pdf/ORourke.pdf Mothers of Soldiers: 3)Mothers of Canadian Soldiers: http://www(dot)mothersofcanadiansoldiers(dot)com/ 4) America's Gold Star Mother, Inc: http://www(dot)goldstarmoms(dot)com/ 5)Mothers of Soldiers and the Iraq War: Justification Through Breakfast Shows on ABC, CBS, and NBC,Sondra Nicole Cappuccio in Women And Language, Vol 29, No 1 (2006) http://www(dot)womenandlanguage(dot)org/OJS/index.php?journal=wandl&page=article&op =view&path[]=30 read the full text 6) Building Bridges of Memory: The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and the Cultural Politics of Maternal Memories, Margaret E. Burchianti History and Anthropology, Vol. 15, No. 2, June 2004, pp. 133–150 www(dot)erin(dot)utoronto(dot)ca/~w3his290/A-­‐Burchianti.Mothers.Memory.pdf
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Gender and Relation Soldiers and Mothers
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(March 13, 2012)

Gender and Relation Soldiers and Mothers
A female terrorist is a radical who applies terror as a political weapon and uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities. Although men are conventionally considered as the leaders of armed rebellion, women have progressively become key assets within the realm of terrorism. This paper seeks to analyze the changes experienced when women engage in terrorism (Berko & Erez, 2006).
Social prejudice about the functions of women impact the effectiveness of female terrorist in different ways; female terrorists generate less suspicion and they are subjected to more slacked security measures. They do not conform to the stereotype of the terrorist attackers; therefore they are less likely to raise suspicion unlike male counterparts (Sutten, 2009).
Furthermore, women terrorist are used in societies where full-body covering, and wearing loose is a common trend among women, maximizing their chances for carrying explosives which are hidden on their bodies. In addition, women terrorist often disguise themselves as pregnant mothers so as to smuggle a larger explosive device (Wilson, 1917).
According to different media sources in America, it is discovered that female terrorist are not subjected to thorough search co...
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