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Theoretical Framework: Five Perspectives on Globalization

Essay Instructions:

Before posting on the discussion board, please
Read the following from Lechner and Boli (Eds.),(2015). The Globalization Reader (5th ed.) 
Chapter 11: Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy 
Read the following from Appelrouth, S. and Edles, L.D. (2008). "The Global Society" Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: 
Chapter 17 (pdf) 
Answer any one of the following questions. •What are the five perspectives of globalization? Which perspective best describes the process? Give reasons. Select one example of globalization, and explain how each of the five perspectives views it. Then explain why one perspective is best. 
Explain the theoretical framework used by the Appudurai article in explaining globalization. Do you think the "scapes" are separate, or do they interact? For example, does the flow of people impact the flow of ideas? 

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Five Perspectives on Globalization

Explain the theoretical framework used by the Appudurai article in explaining globalization. Do you think the "scapes" are separate, or do they interact? For example, does the flow of people impact the flow of ideas

Appudurai (2014) asserts that the global economy, politics and culture is disjointed, and the five ‘scapes’ are linked to the disjuncture and the complexity of globalization. Appudurai highlights the five aspects of the global cultural flow as being interrelated, including the ethnoscapes, mediascapes, technoscapes, financescapes and the ideoscapes. These constructs depend on the situation and the different actors. Looking at the history of different people is necessary to identify how their imaginations as a people influence their lives. The ethnoscape relates to people’s movement across borders and how this affects global dynamics, technoscape is the growing use of technology. Mediascape is the visual representation of various narratives and distribution of information across the mass media. Financescape is the spread of global capital in the global finance and capital markets. The ideoscape depends on the conventions that give meaning in a cultural context.
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