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M1A1 Project: Characteristics of Globalization & Society

Essay Instructions:

M1A1: Project 1A: Characteristics of Globalization 
Attached Files:
File Global society_Appelrouth and Edles.PDF (351.189 KB) 
This activity will enable you to:
Analyze a social science question or issue using appropriate theory and method and recommend possible solutions to the problem. (Social Science Outcome 1)
Before beginning this project, please:
Read the following from Lechner and Boli (Eds.),(2015). The Globalization Reader (5th ed.)
Chapter 7: Sociology of the Global System
Read the following from Appelrouth, S. and Edles, L.D.(2008). "The Global Society" Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory,
Chapter 17 (pdf)
Read the Module Notes
In Project 1A, you will write a short paper on Sklair's perspective on globalization. Address the following in your paper:
Although Sklair notes that the current global system is "not synonymous with the global capitalist system," he regards specific features of world capitalism as driving forces of globalization. What are these features, and what is their impact? Give your own examples, different from the examples in the textbook, of these features.
Compare Sklair's views with Appelrouth and Edles' analysis of the "weak" version and the "strong" version of globalization? What are the points of convergence and of divergence between the two views?
The paper, not including the cover page, should be 1000 words in length, double spaced in 12–point font. This paper should be submitted by 11:55 PM ET on Sunday of Module 1.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Characteristics of Globalization
Course title:
The concept of globalization has been around for a couple of years now. Although it has existed for close to a century, it only became propounded in the beginning of the 21st century. There are multiple definitions given to globalization. In a nutshell, however, globalization is the integration of economic activities at a deeper level and opening up economic ties thereby allowing for economic dependence. Globalization moves from a small independent slow growth economy to deeply integrated open economies that depend on each other. Business in ancient years was more characterized by barter trade. The introduction of money and actual selling of goods and services was motivated by the need to experience economic growth. Similarly, the concept of globalization is crucial because among other fundamental issues, it promotes economic growth. Through integration of both strong and weak economies, there is room for hastened improvement. In this paper the characteristics of globalization have been discussed extensively. Of more interest in this discussion is the stand taken by Leslie Sklair on matters of globalization.
Leslie Sklair, in his book Globalization: Capitalism and its alternatives, he has looked at globalization from a holistic pint of view. He notes that more often, when people talk about globalization, they only focus on the positive aspects of it. However, he argues that globalization is a wide concept that can only be understood when looked at from all round perspective. In his discussion, Sklair notes that there are some driving forces behind globalization. He further observes that there are certain traits with which globalization is associated and identified with. Some of these have been discussed herein below.
Characteristics of Globalization
Reduction and or Removal of Trade Barriers
Previously, there was a tendency by countries and economic regions to segregate themselves as autonomous and independent. This continually made it difficult for other external investors to come through into the region (Stiglitz, 2015). With the realization that there is more benefit in joining together as an economic block, countries have since removed the barriers. Globalization has promoted some sense of freedom that ensures that countries within the same trade bloc can transact freely without barriers such as excessive taxes.
Rapid Economic Growth
This is perhaps the most peculiar aspect of globalization. As a result of integration of economies, there is significant growth. This is due to opening up of the Markets that ensures more inflow of goods and outflow in terms of exports (Lechner, 2014). Investors also stream in as result of the integration and this injects more money into the economy. Establishment and growth of multinationals has been realized as result of globalization. With the freedom of movement of goods, services and people, economies have reaped big which has resulted to improved growth.
Increase of Direct Investments
With globalization, there has been an upsurge of direct investments coming from foreign countries. Often, investors will flock markets whose predictability is more certain. Globalization has opened up the various small markets and economies belonging to individual countries and integrated them with theirs to form one large economic bloc. Such organization tends to be appealing to...
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