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Five Concepts that Relate to the Study of Demography

Essay Instructions:

1. Choose 5 concepts or processes related to the study of Demography that have been covered in the Lecture Videos and/or Lecture Notes for Chapters Four, Five, or Six.

2. Precisely define each concept/process as defined during the lecture videos and lecture notes.

3. Apply each concept/process to a real-world event or situation. Real-world applications must be in your own words and expected length is between 7 and 10 sentences, although longer is fine.

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Five concepts that Relate to the Study of Demography
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Five concepts that relate to the Study of Demography
1 Population Censuses-The major source of data about a given population size in a specified demographic structure is the population census (Kane, Chapter Four, Parts One to Five Lecture Notes). Consequently, when governments want to learn about the population of their people and their geographical location, a census is conducted. Hence, a national census provides a database that is utilized while studying a given social phenomenon. When conducting a census, the main information collected is on individuals' age, sex, education background, and occupation within a given period (O'Hare, 2019). As a result, population censuses are essential when a government or an organization wants to make various economic decisions, when studying a specific group of people, and for research purposes.
2 Law of Large Numbers: According to this law, there is no guarantee that results obtained from a small sample tend to reflect the true nature of a given population (Kane, Chapter Four, Parts One to Five Lecture Notes). Therefore, to ensure that the information collected is reliable, it is critical that one does not rely on a small sample when the population is large. In this case, when one wants to attain the sample average of 100 values taking a sample average of 20 guarantees better and more reliable information than just relying on two values. Hence, the law of large numbers is deemed significant since it grants validity to the sample size. The sample size mustn't be too small to obtain accurate and reliable data about a given population.
3 Fertility Transition-It entails the shift that occurs in the fertility rate from being high to low and, in some instances, very low, and is mainly associated with minimal individual deliberate control (Kane, Chapter Six, Lecture Notes). Historically, fertility transitions occurred in Europe in the ninth and early twentieth centuries. Women who would give birth to almost eight children in the past did not have even one child in this region. Hence, fertility transition can occur due to many factors, including the economic state of individuals and the biological state of a woman. Biologically, when individuals are suffering from various diseases, they tend to have fewer children. Also, when people are in a ...
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