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Fiscal Federalism and the Parental Rights in Education Bill in Florida

Essay Instructions:

First, read the following article:
https://floridapolitics(dot)com/archives/505195-sunburn-the-morning-read-of-whats-hot-in-florida-politics-3-11-22/ (Links to an external site.)

Then, respond specifically to each of the following prompts in separate short paragraphs:
How does the proposed 2022-2023 budget illustrate the concept of fiscal federalism?
As you continue to scroll the article, select a bill passed by the legislature this year that catches your attention. Describe the bill and what it does and explain why you think it is particularly interesting and/or important.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

State Government and Politics Critical
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State Government and Politics Critical
The proposed 2022-2023 budget illustrates the concept of fiscal federalism by allocating funds to state projects like education and employment. For instance, it aims to increase salaries for state workers and allocate $8,000 per pupil. The budget also allocates about $75 million for the University of South Florida’s new Environmental and Oceanographic Sciences Research and Teaching Facility (Schorsch, 2022). The proposal also introduces tax holidays for diapers and gas. Other funding proposed in the budget includes disaster preparedness and school supplies. These projects define fiscal federalism as the process of sharing administrative and financial responsibilities between local, state, and federal governments (Kapucu, 2016). This concept assumes that the efficiency and effectiveness of a federal system are based on its ability to solve government problems such as income distribution, resource allocation, and economic stability (Kapucu, 2016). The 2022-2023 budget intends to solve such problems, hence illustrating fiscal federalism. This y...
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