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Interactionist Dualism, Epiphenomenalism, and Parallelism

Essay Instructions:

This is a plan in which you should outline the kinds of arguments you will use and how they go. It can be in (carefully formatted and properly proof read) bullet point form if you wish.

Here are the questions for the Essay Plan.


(1) The second argument for the existence of God (Argument fromCausation) can appear as though it is a more general version of the first argument: dealing with causation in general rather than just the cause of motion. But this isn't right: the logic is different, and one of the arguments is logically flawed - not all of its premises can be true as they are inconsistent, where as the other is valid and all its premises might be true if the world cooperated. Identify which argument we know a priori (ie we can tell by reason alone) is not sound, and explain exactly why the small difference between them makes this the case. Explain in your essay the difference between soundness and validity.

(2) In general it is right to prefer a theory which makes the evidence more likely than some alternative theory does. But as with the Ratto the Rat God example, this can get us into trouble. Explain the trouble, and how to get out of it.

(3) Determinism (or determinism plus chance) and Van Inwagen’s Principle Beta jointly entail that there is no free will. If you believe there is free will, argue that one of these two is false. Or else explain why it makes sense to deny that there is any free will.

(4) What is a higher order desire? Discuss the idea that we act freely when we act on desires that are supported or not contradicted by higher order desires. Consider two objections to such a theory.

(5) Would you enter a teletransporter machine which destroyed your body and brain, and made a single copy at the other end? Explain why or why not by defending one of the theories of personal identity we have discussed, which says that you do or do not survive the trip.

(6) Explain the difference between interactionist dualism, epiphenomenalism and parallelism. Discuss the costs and benefits of each of these theories.

(7) What is the best version of physicalism you have studied? Explain the arguments for and against it.

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Essay Plan Question 6
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Essay Plan Question 6
1 Grabbing readers' attention phrase
It is believed that the mind-body problem analysis in the field of philosophy started in the 1950s from two sources, which were Australia and America (Parrini et al., 2003).
2 Overview of the topic
* Defining the word dualism in relation to the topic.
* Briefing discussing the three theories stating their creators.
3 Thesis statement
Interactionist dualism, epiphenomenalism, and parallelism are great theories in the field of mind philosophy. Although all the theories accept that mental events are caused by physical events, they greatly differ in the causal interactions between them.
Section 1
Differences between interactionist dualism, epiphenomenalism, and parallelism



1. Philosophy of mind theory states there are no casual interactions between mental and physical events (McLaughlin, 1989).

Philosophy of mind theory states that there is a great casual interaction between mental and physical events or the mind and body (Howard, 2020).

Philosophy of mind theory rejects the existence of casual interactions between the body and mind (Howard, 2020).

2. Argues that mental events are triggered the physical events

Argues that the mind and body events coordination’s are influenced by each other.

Argues that God postulates the coordination between the body and mind.

Section 2:
Discussing the costs (weakness) and benefits (strengths) of the interactionist dualism, epiphenomenalism, and parallelism theories
Interactionist dualism
1 It is a...
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