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Final Paper Outline: Climate Change

Essay Instructions:

Select an environmental issue that interests you from the list below: Loss of biodiversity Energy Solid and hazardous waste Public land use Climate change International environmental policy For this week’s assignment, complete the following sections of your outline: Introduction and thesis Introduce the topic to your reader in a sentence or two. Include a thesis statement that identifies three environmental challenges/problems associated with your chosen topic and also identifies the policy you are recommending that will effectively and efficiently address these challenges/issues. Environmental challenges/problems Create a topic sentence that describes a first challenge/problem associated with the selected environmental issue. Create a topic sentence that describes a second challenge/problem associated with the selected environmental issue. Create a topic sentence that describes a third challenge/problem associated with the selected environmental issue. Provide at least one piece of supporting evidence (a quote or paraphrase) that supports all of your claims that the identified challenges/problems are in fact an issue. Be sure to provide an in-text citation. In a single sentence, explain the meaning of the evidence you added above. So what? Add a sentence that tells your reader how this evidence supports your topic sentence. Why is this evidence important to share? Direct/indirect environemental values Create a topic sentence that describes what direct/indirect environmental values are impacted by the three environmental challenges/problems associated with the issue. Provide at least one piece of supporting evidence (a quote or paraphrase) that supports your claim that these environmental values are being impacted by your chosen topic. Be sure to provide an in-text citation. In a single sentence, explain the meaning of the evidence you added above. So what? Add a sentence that tells your reader how this evidence supports your topic sentence. Why is this evidence important to share? Policy description Create a topic sentence that describes a policy that will effectively and efficiently address the selected environmental issue. Provide at least one piece of supporting evidence (a quote or paraphrase) that supports your claim that this policy will help to address the issue. Be sure to provide an in-text citation. In a single sentence, explain the meaning of the evidence you added above. So what? Add a sentence that tells your reader how this evidence supports your topic sentence. Why is this evidence important to share? Policy pros/cons Create a topic sentence that describes one social pro and con of implementing the recommended policy. Create a topic sentence that describes one political pro and con of implementing the recommended policy. Create a topic sentence that describes one economic pro and con of implementing the recommended policy. Create a topic sentence that describes one environmental pro and con of implementing the recommended policy. Provide at least one piece of supporting evidence (a quote or paraphrase) that supports all of your claims that these are in fact pros and cons of implementing the chosen policy. Be sure to provide an in-text citation. In a single sentence, explain the meaning of the evidence you added above. So what? Add a sentence that tells your reader how this evidence supports your topic sentences. Why is this evidence important to share? Conclusion In a sentence or two, conclude by reviewing your main points and overall argument/thesis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Climate Change
Institutional Affiliation:
Climate Change
Climate change describes the increase in the earth’s average surface temperatures. The rising levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere traps heat, increasing the temperature levels.
Climate change has resulted in adverse environmental impacts such as heat waves, flooding and drought, and rising sea-levels. The introduction of stringent emission regulations would ensure that nations reduce the release of greenhouse gasses.
Environmental challenges
Heat Waves
The rising earth’s temperature has led to the cases of extreme heat waves experienced across the world such as in Australia and the United States.
Steffen (2015) reports that climate change has resulted in the increase in the lengths, intensity, and frequency of the heat waves.
From this scenario, it is evident that climate change causes a significant temperature rise that has adverse effects on human health and property. Many people die each year due to the fires caused by these heat waves and from various cancers.
Floods and Droughts
The precipitation changes resulting from climate change have led to some areas experiencing excess rains and prolonged dry periods.
According to Brentwood (2004), the increased heat trapping in the atmosphere causes the dry regions to continue getting hotter, hence droughts. The extreme precipitation during the rainy season results in flooding.
From this, the rise in temperatures because of climate change reduces the humidity that in turn increases the evaporation rates leading to droughts and floods.
The rising sea levels
The increased atmospheric temperatures accelerate the melting of glaciers, ice, and snow packs that lead to additional water in the seas.
Hauer, Evans, and Mishra (2016) explain that the rising sea-levels in the United States caused by climate change could affect millions of people.
The evidence indicates that without the climate change mitigation, the impacts would be disastrous.
Direct/indirect environmental values
The climate change and environmental problems impact the principles of ecological protection and having sustainable patterns.
As discussed by Steffen (2015), the heat waves, droughts, floods, and rising sea levels result in adverse effects that infringe the environmental core values.
The text illustrates that the dangers that the climate change challenges pose needs to be controlled in the world to uphold the environmental principles.
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