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Ways in Which Marginal Jobs Deviate from the Norms Expected of Work

Essay Instructions:

Your Final Examination will be an essay exam with 5 questions, all of which you must answer to the best of your ability. Your answers should be 1-2 pages (250-500 words) in length.
Answer all five (5) questions. Base all answers on class readings, discussions and materials. 
1.Identify and explain the four (4) ways in which marginal jobs deviate from the norms expected of work. Then explain which members of the labor force have the highest likelihood of working in marginal job and why.
2.Contrast Skill Upgrading, Deskilling and the Mixed Effects positions and answer the question: Identify which of these theories best explains how technology has impacted the professions. Identify which of these theories best explains how technology has impacted workers in marginal jobs. Provide evidence to support your arguments.
3.Compare and contrast the role of employer, customer and worker in service interactions. Explain how the worker may manipulate the service interaction. Define emotional work and explain when and why “losing it” and “burnout” may occur. 
4.Identify and explain the four (4) hallmarks of a profession. Compare the hallmark approach with the Conflict Approach on the issue of whether the professions constitute a meritocracy.
5.Do multinational corporations benefit developing nations? If so, how? Provide examples. Then identify and describe three (3) concerns sociologists should raise regarding the power Multinational Corporations (MNCs) hold in the world.
This examination will be available for you to take beginning at 12:00 AM EST on the Monday morning of Module 8 and will close promptly the following Sunday evening at 11:55 PM EST. It is suggested you write or print out the essay questions for handy reference as you develop your responses. Be sure to submit your essay exam in one Word document and place it in the appropriate assignment dropbox.
•Read Hodson & Sullivan 17
•Read: The Overworked American excerpt 
•View: The Overspent American
•Read: Do us a favor, Take a vacation
•Listen: NPR: Profiles in Low Wage America. Select three (3) stories
•Read: Sociological Perspectives on Homelessness
•Read Hodson & Sullivan Chapters 14, 15 & 16

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Examination Essay
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Final Examination Essay
1 Identify and explain the four (4) ways in which marginal jobs deviate from the norms expected of work. Then explain which members of the labor force have the highest likelihood of working in marginal job and why.
There are those norms that all jobs are expected to follow. These norms that every work is expected include: legal job content, the work needs to be institutionally regular, it should be stable and all workers are expected to be paid adequate salaries with enough working hours that will enable them earn a living (Hodson & Sullivan, 2012). Those jobs that deviate from either one or all of these expected norms are known as marginal jobs. However, even if all the norms are followed, two people are likely to differ whether the salaries for the workers are adequate.
Jobs in competitive industries tend to deviate from the expected norms making marginal jobs to be common in them. The employers may be forced to try different and various tricks that can allow them to offset the stiff competition that they are facing. Some organizations may be forced to have low-wage rates for their employees, lay-off workers and have unstable jobs due to economic difficulties. This tactics may be important to safe the company’s capital or shift its product lines and goals but has a negative impact on the employees. When the economic factors get worse for the company, it may be forced to close down its operations or move to a different region where lower wages for employees are acceptable. This deviation from the norms maybe intensified by offering marginal jobs to those from the minority groups, limited language skills, low education levels and do not have enough or required credentials to work as the law requires.
2 Contrast Skill Upgrading, Deskilling and the Mixed Effects positions and answer the question: Identify which of these theories best explains how technology has impacted the professions. Identify which of these theories best explains how technology has impacted workers in marginal jobs. Provide evidence to support your arguments.
Due to the introduction of new technologies in workplaces and the ever changing market competition, professional skills and requirements are also changing. Employees are required to equip themselves with new skills or upgrade the ones they already possess to remain competitive and avoid being “technically handicapped. However, the introduction of these new technologies and stiffening of market competition may make a professional les proficient over time and find that their skills have become obsolete or are no longer required in the workplace.
We are all witnessing a revolution in the workplace due to the introduction of new technologies that keep changing continuously. The effects are felt by the workers by either feeling that their nature of work has changed, jobs have been transformed or have become obsolete, and skills are being redefined. These changes have important consequences to the employees. Some employees may find that their jobs have become less challenging than before and the skills that they have acquired over time do not matter or are no longer required in the workplace while others may feel that the jobs are becoming more complex satisfying than before. Those who find themselves in these situation may desire to remain competent and upgrade their skills to meet the requirements of their jobs. However, these technologies may make others become incompetent and pay the price of job loss. Those who find themselves in competent and are not ready to upgrade their skills end up in marginal jobs where they get lower-wage levels and the conditions are not good. Due to the market conditions and other desires of the employees to remain competitive, they may be forced to employ various tactics that may keep them remain competitive. One of such tactics is laying off the incompetent employees or lowering their wages as well. Being incompetent makes their jobs unstable since those with the required skills may get employed and they lose their jobs.
3 Compare and Contrast the role of employer, customer and worker in service interactions. Explain how the worker may manipulate the service interaction. Define emotional work and explain when and why “losing it” and “burnout” may occur.
The consumption of services involves personal interactions between the service providers and consumers. This personal interaction is the heart of service consumption. It does not matter what kind of a service is being provided, whether is a flight attendant’s brief greeting to the passengers or personalized attention of physicians. The moment the interaction begins, the consumer gets involved in both the production and consumption of the service making him/her an integral part of the interaction process. The experiences of the consumers within the interaction process determines their satisfaction with the service.
Service interactions can be well understood by understanding how the employers, employees and customers want to present themselves during the interaction. This can be understood by looking at the roles that each of them play during the service interaction process. The employers are there to ensure that all the necessary requirements are available for the service to be provided. They also handle the complaints the customers may have regarding their services. The employees are the ones who get much involved in the service interaction process. They provide the customers with the necessary information, assistance and solutions to the ...
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