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SOC 213 - Final

Essay Instructions:
Please answer the following questions in essay format using APA style. Submit your responses as one document clearly marking which question you are responding to and provide a reference page at the end of each response. Please provide proper documentation in your answers . You may make use of ONLY COURSE MATERIALS to support your answers; this includes your readings, videos, lectures, forums and Internet links provided in the course. Each answer is worth 10 marks and each response should be no more than 4 pages in length (1000 words). Section 1: Please answer the following question in no more than 1000 words. Do any aspects of the double standard of sexual behaviour and attitudes still exist? Can women have as many sexual partners as men without social repercussions? Section 2: Please answer the following question in no more than 1000 words. Why are older men more likely to remarry than older women? Also discuss how families can help or hinder the formation of intimate relations among older adults following divorce or widowhood. Section 3: Please answer the following question in no more than 1000 words. Compare and contrast how the expected roles of mothers and fathers have changed since the 1950s in North American society.
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SOC 213 - FINAL Name: Institutional Affiliation: SECTION 1: 1 The aspect of double standard of sexual behaviour and attitudes existence and if women have as many sexual partners as men without social repercussions According to studies, the element of sexual double standards is primarily triggered by interpersonal and situational factors that include the level of relationship commitment, target’s age, and a number of partners. On the other hand, sexual double standards are considered as local contractions that differ across cultural and ethnic groups (Howell, et.al.2011). Traditionally, men and women are consequently subjected to various rules that guide sexual behavior. Women are in this case stigmatized for any engagement in sexual activities outside a heterosexual marriage, whereas men are rewarded and expected to uphold such behaviors. It is, therefore, essential to acknowledge the fact that the aspect of sexual double standards exists especially in scenarios where sexual behaviors of both men and women are judged in consideration of different societal standards and expectations. This is believed in the notion that it is allowed for men to have a lot of sexual experience before entering the institution of marriage for a long term relationship as compared to women (Sakaluk & Milhausen, 2012). An instance of this can be depicted when sexually experienced women are viewed as sluts in the society while men of a similar nature and who hold similar characteristics are viewed as players or studs, an aspect that depicted the manner in which the sexual double standards play an important role in the current society, On the other hand, it is essential to establish that sexual double standards exist within the society. This aspect is portrayed in the manner in which different cultures describe women and girls in a sexualized way. In these cases, the element of sexual double standard occurs when a society discourages women from being sexually active while their male counterparts are encouraged to being active sexually (Fugère, et.al.2013). The end results of such views remain in the fact that women and girls are affected and limited within their societies in a different way as compared to men. In as much as many critics believe that the element of sexual double standards is still in existence in the American culture, it is important to note that there are individual variations into these endorsements. Some individuals are known to embrace this aspect while others feel ambivalent about sexual double standards, thus making an exception to it, while others clearly reject this action. The conceptualization of sexual double standards clearly focuses on the consideration of men and women’s behavior under the beliefs of the society that judges them differently. However, in consideration of the variation that exists between these two sexes based on sexual double standards, it remains significant to understand how gendered attitudes play a role in such variations (Lyons, et.al.2011). One of the vital elements that need to be understood is structural factors that include social norms which have the capacity to shape the perceptions of men and women towards upholding appropriate sexual behaviors. This aids in setting up sexual double standards that allow men to have more sexual freedom as compared to women. This clearly details the fact that individuals, who engage in behaviors that are consistent with sexual double standards, endorse the ideologies that are strongly rooted in having multiple sexual partners; with women having fewer sexual partners (Sagebin & Sperb, 2013). According to research, adolescents and adult women who endorse the aspect of sexual double standards are likely to engage in sexual debuts, and are additionally less likely to use condoms since different societal norms present such conduct and behaviors as socially unacceptable for women. The inclusion of condoms during sexual experiences clearly denotes the fact that women who endorse the aspect of double sexual standards are likely to feel uncomfortable in asserting themselves in sexual relationships. In as much as this aspect takes into account men and women’s mannerisms and behaviors, researchers examining their attitudes towards the aspect of double sexual standards, with focus on women sexuality establishing that they are prone to stigmatization from the society in engaging in such acts. However, these expectations are conceived as essential, but the aspect of endorsing double sexual standards should also focus on the behaviors of men as well since men are granted more sexual freedoms, an aspect that makes them engage in more sexual partners in order to align themselves to these stereotypes (Lefkowitz, et.al.2014). Based on the societal views of sexual double standards, it is predictable that men are more likely to endorse this aspect as compared to women who would have fewer sexual partners, incorporate the use of condoms in a frequent manner, and perceive fewer barriers towards condom use. SECTION 2 2 Rationale for older men remarrying than older women and how families can help or hinder the formation of intimate relations among older adults following divorce or widowhood. In this current society, the idea of remarriage is on the rise for individuals within the age bracket of 55. The element of remarriage is considered to become more prevalent within different ages considering that it takes quite some time to enter into a marriage, exit the marriage and enter into a subsequent one. In this case, it is important to note that the primary relationship for several older adults is in their spouses (Saint-Aubin, 2014). In later life, the institution of marriage is perceived as an aspect that provides couples with the opportunity to have companionship, personal and sexual intimacy, affection, belonging, interdependence, and financial security. However, the fueling increase in divorce rates among adults between these ages are on the rise as a result of demographic trends, an aspect that has made more individuals available for remarriage. On the other hand, it is essential to consider the aspect of sexual double standards, as another element that contributes in older men remarrying as compared to women. As detailed earlier, the aspect of sexual double standards grants the male counterparts multiple opportunities to have sexual freedom and to even engage in multiple sexual partnerships even within the institution of marriage, an aspect that highly contributes to divorce rates in the society (Dillender, 2016). This clearly details the fact that individuals, who engage in behaviors that are consistent with sexual double standards, are highly expected, with men upholding and endorsing this ideology strongly rooted in divorcing and remarrying, and women who believe in these views choosing to remain as widows since the society stigmatizes their remarriage. It is additionally important to ascertain that the overall aging of populations fuels the number of widows and widowers who are available for remarriage, thus detailing the fact that people consider the years they have in making, dissolving, and remaking unions (Nicolaisen & Thorsen, 2014). In such scenarios, it is essential to note that the idea of gender differences play a significant role since divorced men are open to remarriage while women in such a circumstance are less prone to the idea of remarriage. The gender gaps, especially in relation to their attitudes, clearly mirror the gap in their remarriage patterns. According to research, there is a strong correlation between financial well-being and marriage, with these patterns holding adults in their first marriage. These studies also detail the fact that marital satisfaction follows a U-shaped pattern that starts high during the early years of marriage, decreases as time goes by and couples are met with financial pressures and the raising of children and increases when the children leave home (Vespa, 2012). During these later years of their marriage, several couples are bound to experience challenges, an aspect that would result in divorces. It is, therefore, evident to consider that some of the reasons why couples consider remarriage remain for the purposes of economics, societal trends and beliefs. As a result of this, several marriages among adults face challenges with marital dissatisfaction during their later lives as compared to other ages, an aspect that considers divorce as a means of resolving such challenges. Dissatisfaction among sexual relations, the presence of children and poor communication are consequently viewed as the reasons for unhappiness in marriages, thus pushing older men to consider remarriage especially with younger ladies as compared to their previous wives (Vespa, 2012). It is additionally essential to ascertain that men are likely to consider remarriage as a result of declines in the mental and physical health of their partners, thus prolonged care viewed as correlated to the decline in marital satisfaction. The family, in this case, plays a significant role in hindering the formation of intimate relations among older adults following divorce or widowhood. Considering the fact that the most cited rationale for remarriage among...
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