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Feminist Theory And Chinese Culture

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Kelly Wang HSC4M Mrs. Ramsaran Feminist Theory Feminist theory is an extension of feminism into theoretical, fictional or philosophical discourse. It aims to understand the nature of sexual inequality, reveal the social problems, trends and issues that are ignored or misidentified by the historical dominant male perspective within social theory. Which means, because of the experiences and opinions of female were historically excluded from social theory and social science, a lot of feminist theory has focused on their communication and experiences within society to ensure that they can help as much people as they can, so half the world’s population is not left out of how we see and understand social forces, relations, and problems. Although most feminist theorists throughout history have been women, today people of all gender can be found in this area. Feminist theory does not only focuses on gendered power and oppression, but on how it related with racism, sexuality and nationality, among other things. So it have created social theories that are more inclusive and creative than those theories that always assume men should grasp the whole social rules. Feminist theory focuses on analyzing gender inequality. Themes explored in feminism include discrimination, objectification (especially sexual objectification), oppression, patriarchy, stereotyping, art history and contemporary. Feminist theory focuses on analyzing gender inequality. Themes explored in feminism include discrimination, objectification (especially sexual objectification), oppression, patriarchy, stereotyping, art history and contemporary. Theoretical debates on women, work, and class can be observed to be not only in intersection with Marxism but also with feminism. Such researches are not only influenced by academic inquiries but also buy the questions that are in relation with women’s liberation and oppression, trade unions, class politics and feminist movement. Philosophical approach of how women household activities and women’s work are subsumed ought to be considered. The relationship between the analysis of economic class and women as a social group has been sparking debate within the feminist and Marxist circles if the women’s movements active can assume a shared set of women interest through the class, ethnicity, and race. If such interest do not exist then what is a viable women’s movement based on. There has been a considerable research purely devoted to women over the last decade, it has been based on women and work in the form of shifting divisions of labor, some address changes in gender division of labor within national economies, and others have observed class position and opportunities. Recent studies address restructuring of women work and the impact on women culture because of neo liberal economic alteration. In ancient China, it is social norms that describe women as the bottom of society, they were not allowed to go out to work, or even show their face to other men except their family member. Daughters cannot decide their marriage, because their parents will choose for them. At one time, a man was able to have several wives, but women only could have one husband, they have to be loyal to them, and be kind to have other women share a husband with them. Instead of being treated as a human, women were more like an item that could be given or exchanged. These traditions went on for thousands of years, and only started to change after the 20th century. In the 20th century, when the People’s Republic of China just built, and the President wanted more people to work in the factory, he called on all the women and told them “Women can hold up half the sky”, and this made women start to think about relying on themselves. They started going to school, going to work or started their own business. After women realized they should get the same rights as men, more and more people joined Feminist Theory Activity. Most of them are not for themselves, it’s for the females who still didn’t know how important it is to stand up and fight for her own rights. Now days, there are tens of millions of women in China walking out of their home, and showing their talent in the market. There are a lot of women becoming one of the best in different areas, and creating miracles. However, according to The Global Gender Gap Report in 2017 from WEF (World Economic Forum), China is ranked 100 out of 144 countries. Because of the long history of unfair gender gap, people still cannot get ride of stereotyping of women in a weak figure, so a lot of families resist having a daughter, and companies will use “women needs maternity leave and that really bothers” as excuse to use more male workers instead of female, they even refute to admit female worker’s success, and give credit to male’s helping. In some place, even there’s salary gap between genders, men can get more salary than women even though they are doing the same job. These things made Feminist Theory’s supporter split in two, one is supporting gender equality, and another is against all the men. The latter is more asking to maximize the women benefits; it more likely wants to build a matrilineal society. This brought the negative affect to the real Feminist Theory, leading some women to believe men should listen to everything from them, which is totally again the original intention of Feminist Theory, also make other people think letting women have rights is bad for society. The main religion in China includes Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, Catholicism and Islam, among them, Taoism and Buddhism have longest histories. Buddhism was a foreign religion that came from India. It developed for thousand of years, mixed with Chinese culture, then became Chinese characteristic Buddhism. Unlike other religions, in both Buddhism and Taoism, th...
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