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Implanting a 'false memory' into the subject: a psychological investigation

Essay Instructions:
Subject: Psychology False Memories 1) This assignment comprises two components: (1) a \"false memory\" instrument, tool, suggestion log, audio, and visual artifact; and (2) a false memory reflection essay. Throughout the remaining weeks of the course, conduct an experiment that elicits a \"false memory.\" 2) To help understand the context, consider the following: general consensus portends that as individuals move through the lifespan – age, memory is fleeting. A basic question confounding psychologists is the notion of whether a memory can be forgotten, remembered, suggested, and then remembered as true. 3) Design and/or create an instrument, tool, suggestion log, or audio, visual artifact that elicits a \"false memory\" (e.g., use Photoshop or any comparable editing tool to create a memory, suggest a memory to the participant, and log their behavior and/or reactions to the suggestion[s]). 4) False memory suggestions include, but are not limited to: a) Digitally altered photo: one fake memory, other photo(s) real. b) Memory suggestion log: \"suggest a memory to the participant and log their behavior and/or reactions to the suggestion(s). c) False memory event: suggest a memory among siblings. d) False advertisement. e) False witness account. f) Being lost (mall, neighborhood, stadium, park, etc.). 5) False Memory Reflection a) Write a reflection (1,000 words) about the false memory experiment. Address the following: i) Describe target participant. ii) Define the context/setting. iii) Methodology: What design did you use? Why? Problems? iv) Participant reaction(s): initial response and final outcome. v) Personal reflection: consider the ethical and/or moral implications for responsible psychologists. b) Include information from participants. Examples include direct quotes, epiphany moments that may have changed the way you view false memories (i.e., the creation and or manipulation). Iinclude a minimum of four outside references or other resources for evidentiary support (one of which may include the textbook, podcast[s], or a radio interview[s]). While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA Style guidelines.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Implanting a “false memory” into the subject: a psychological investigation
False memory has been studies by psychologists since the 1970s. The rationale for this is that one can create or recreate a memory on the subject and that this becomes more effective when one ages for a number of interferences (proactive and retroactive) (Loftus and Pickrell, 1995: 720) may have happened in one’s memories. The researcher employed the common “false memory” research method of “getting lost [in the mall]”. The design is basically an approximation of the previous design employed by Elizabeth Loftus (1994. 1995, 1997).
Participants to the study
The target participant for this research is basically composed of adults aged 18-40 years old. The participants came from varying walks of life that are randomly selected and recruited by the researcher within the community. There are university-level students, clerks, and professionals among others. There are a total of twenty (20) adults, six males and fourteen females, participated in this study.
In this study, the researcher mailed the randomly selected participants with a booklet four-page booklet containing the cover letter for the study and the instructions for completing all the phases of the study. The cover letter also included the schedules for the individual interviews. The booklet contained three short stories from the participant’s childhood which were taken from accounts of their relatives. All three stories were about the participant going to the mall/store with relative/s. Two of the stories were true and the false one was always located in the middle for all booklets. The stories were written in a five-sentence paragraph at the top of the page. The rest of the page is left blank so that the participant can record his/her recollections of the said event.
The relatives of the participants were interviewed in order to gather the short stories about them when they were between four to six years old. The stories must not include painful memories which are difficult for the participants to remember. Moreover, the stories should only be about shopping trips to malls or large department stores where the participant could have allegedly gotten lost. Then, the researcher crafted a false story about the participant getting lost in the malls.
There are certain ethical and methodological concerns that need to be considered in this study. The first includes the identity of the participants. In this case, the informed consent of the participants was sought. Only after they agreed that their relatives were interviewed. In this case, their anonymity and privacy were carefully considered and protected.
Results and Discussion
During the interview, which was held at the University and some conducted by phone, the participants were reminded of the three stories. They were asked to provide details for each story that they remember, both those that they wrote in the booklet and those that aren’t. The stories were not read to them in full but provided only in pieces in order to aid their recollections.
The twenty participants were asked to remember a total of sixty (60) true events during their childhood. A total of 43 true events were remembered by the participants during the interview which means 71.7% were remembered. This is not surprising considering the results of the previous researches in this field.
On the other hand, four of the twenty participants said that they remembered the false event either “partially” or “ful...
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