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Factors that Affect the Increases or Decreases of a Country's Birth and Death Rates

Essay Instructions:

View the following videos and then respond to the discussion prompts that follow:
Distilled Demographics: Deciphering Population Pyramids
Distilled Demographics: The Birth Rate
Distilled Demographics: The Death Rate
Population Reference Bureau. (2015, March 6). Distilled demographics [Video]. YouTube. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/playlist?list=PL75500EACFAA7552F
At the beginning of the week, respond to the following:
Using your own prior knowledge and the provided resources, discuss the factors that you believe could affect a country's birth and death rates. What could cause increases or decreases in either of these?
Visit the World Factbook CIA link below. Choose one country from the "A" list and one from the "B" list below, or you can choose one country on your own that is not on either list. Examine the birth and death rates for the two countries you have selected. Using this information, determine the annual change in population size for each country using the formula shown above.
Central Intelligence Agency. (n.d.). The world factbook. https://www(dot)cia(dot)gov/the-world-factbook/references/guide-to-country-profiles
A List: Mexico, China, India, Bolivia, Nigeria
B List: Japan, United Kingdom, South Africa, Canada, Italy, Russia
Use the information that you have collected and discuss the following:
Which figures differ the most between countries, the birth rates or the death rates?
What factors could cause these significant differences? Use the cia.gov website to help with your analysis; you can find additional useful information about each country there.
Can a country grow indefinitely? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Population Change
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Canada and Nigeria
An increase in birthrate in a nation is because of cultures that associate children with wealth. Also, the birthrate tends to increase in a country where birth control is not embraced due to cultural and religious factors. The decline in the birthrate in a country is majorly due to individuals avoiding the high cost of raising children (Kearney, 2022). Conversely, a decrease in the death rate is primarily due to good medical care in a nation that ensures various cardiovascular diseases are treated early enough and morality at birth is avoided (Kearney, 2022). Furthermore, the increase in the death rate is majorly due to the lack of adequate health care services in a nation, which means people die from heart disease, cancer, and accidents.
The change in population size in Canada is 2.05, while in Nigeria, it is 25.49. There is no significant variation in the death rate between Canada and Nigeria, but there is a significant difference in the birth rate. Canada has a birthrate of 10.17 births per 1000 population compared to Nigeria, whic...
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