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2 pages/≈550 words
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Benefits of the Internet of Things in the Society

Essay Instructions:

You are to list a minimum of five headings and a one-line description for each that you intend to use in your research essay. This is required, but is not graded. Write your headings following these guidelines and requirements:
The structure of your essay sometimes is usefully divided not just by well-defined paragraphs, but also by sections delineated by headings. In effect you are practicing categorization of ideas. You are playing the game “these things belong with these things” in a kind of intellectual sorting system. How you choose to do this is part of the creative aspect of your essay. Your headings should describe the subject matter it is meant to describe as clearly and succinctly as possible. Despite the shortness of titles, they deserve considerable thought to ensure that they are accurate for their task.
The number and size of sections labelled with headings, just like the number and length of paragraphs, is determined by numerous difficult to define aspects of your material, analysis, and insights. Generally, however, you might expect a 5,000-word paper to have perhaps eight relevant labelled sections - but not twenty, and not two. The rule is one that is ineffable in the sense that it only has to be somehow proportional to the ideas presented. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Benefits of IoT on Society
Benefits of IoT on Society
One of the areas where the Internet will have a significant impact is on the job and employability. Through technology, people will be able to utilize their skills, talent, and knowledge to payable tasks. The presence of the Internet has also influenced the emergence of online work and the ability to work remotely. Therefore, the impact of the Internet of things on the job market is significant and will continue to grow. The job market has been influenced significantly because people can be interviewed and evaluated for certain positions remotely. Moreover, connected devices and computers will be used to complete many tasks (Martin, 2022).
The Internet of Things has also increased the amount of traffic on websites and other connected applications. Through the Internet, CCTV cameras and supporting technologies can be coordinated from a central point. This ensures that the security of business premises is enhanced. Another technology supported by the Internet is biometric security systems and authentication (Kaushik & Bagga, 2020). These implements include facial recognition, smart door locks, and fingerprint locks. These aspects are vital in enhancing security and safeguarding valuable properties from unauthorized access (Martin, 2022).
Health and Fitness
The Internet of Things will also impact health and fitness. Through the use of the Internet, individuals are able to create measures that support healthy habits and guarantee consistency. Internet-aided devices and technology can be used to track progress in health as well as showcase the numerous benefits associated with the use of the technology. This is important in ensuring that positive health outcomes are attained and guarantees consistency in the results. The Internet of things has also improved how athletes’ practice and compete. Individuals are able to track their performance and monitor their body development (Martin, 2022).
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