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The Five Basic Principles in the United States

Essay Instructions:

To what extent do you believe that the United States as a nation follows the five basic principles? These are detailed on page 378:

The Value of Life Principle
The Principle of Goodness or Rightness
The Principle of Justice or Fairness
The Principle of Truth Telling or Honesty
The Principle of Individual Freedom

Does it follow any other principles? Does the addition of these other principles (if there are others) constitute an improvement over Humanitarian Ethics? Why or why not? Answer all parts of the question in detail. If you use sources you must cite them. I deduct for spelling and grammar mistakes. 750 word minimum.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

To What Extent Do You Believe That The United States As A Nation Follows The Five Basic Principles?
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To What Extent Do You Believe That The United States As A Nation Follows The Five Basic Principles?
The five basic principles in the United States are crucial, especially ensuring that every citizen enjoys their rights and freedoms. While these principles may be applied in various contexts, the United States follows them differently in every context. The guides act as moral guidelines on how people should treat each other in society. The principles teach us what we should cherish and prioritize as a nation every day while doing our daily activities and interacting with each other. Some of the most important principles are the value of life principles, the guide of goodness or rightness, justice or fairness, honesty, and individual freedom. While these principles are crucial to the United States citizens, they are not fully followed, and thus analyzing how each guideline is followed is vital.
According to the value of life principle, people in the United States believe that all individuals are equal in their right to freedom because they are born with a free mind. The quality of life doctrine assumes that the value of life is crucial in providing a vehicle for a life of sufficient worth or quality (Feuillet-Liger & Orfali, 2018). The principle ensures the right of the individual citizen to make their own decisions and take action regarding taking care of their life is well observed. However, the value of life principle is compromised depending on the occasion. For example, when individuals are chronically ill, they may decide to end their lives ethically to end their suffering and those close to them. Various states have also allowed ethical abortions, which is unethical according to the value of life principle. Notably, the United States recognizes the importance of the life principle, but it is not thoroughly followed.
The second principle is the principle of goodness or rightness, which expects ind...
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