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To What Extent Is Watching A Form Of Detachment?

Essay Instructions:

One introduction with two body paragraph. The introduction should introduce three articles and the thesis statement to answer the question. Use three different quotes from three articles in each body paragraph with summarizing and analyzing(focus on analyzing).

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To What Extent Is "Watching" A Form Of Detachment?
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In psychology detachment is defined as disassociation. There is a spectrum in which human beings human beings detach. For example when people are stressed they often seek relief from dissociative activities where their mind is focused in the present and they can be able to avoid some of the things stressing them,, such activities can be watching a movie, playing computer games, reading novels, these method can be a form of dissociation. It is very hard for human beings to be anything other than being deeply self-centered. Their regrets, ambitions, irritations and desires have an unparalleled hood on them. But people have a talent for detachment, that is the ability of loosen your consciousness from the normal mooring in order to contemplate the existence of time.
Life is full of hardships and it is important for people to step back from the reality and sometimes get lost in the fantasies of their own minds, that why people will read books or explores the virtual world. But too much of these detachment activities can cause detrimental of productivity and personal growth of a person. Considering all things, watching a movie is not bad either and it is good for the brain, however, without the presence of escapism, some of these stressful activities that can cause burn out. Escapism allows a person to step away from their emotions and then go back to solving the problem with a fresh mind. However it means that these activities can cause a lot of negative implications because detachment implies that a person is trying to escape from friend’s family work and the rest of the world.
In the article “When I woke up Tuesday morning , it was Friday” Martha Stout the author explains some of the things that people can use to dissociate themselves from the reality by developing ways of emotional detachment (Stout, 2001). In some cases dissociative behaviors can cause black out for extended times or maybe develop multiple personalities to contend so many demands of life. Therefore it is very important of people to establish a continuum experiences that can help them disrupt the experiences of the present. Such activities include watching. Watching is a very good form of detachm...
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