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Midterm: Unemployment, Explain the Cultural Division of Labor

Essay Instructions:

Answer all five (5) questions. Base all answers on class readings, discussions and materials. 
1.Define labor force and explain how the unemployment rate is calculated. What are the shortcomings of the current methods of measuring labor force participation rate and unemployment?
2.Compare and contrast the perspectives of Marx (Alienated Labour) and Maslow (Hierarchy of Needs). Then answer the question: Is it possible for a worker to be both satisfied and alienated?
3.Labor unions are one way in which power and change can come from outside of an organization. List and discuss three (3) ways unions have fought for workers rights. List and discuss three (3) strategies employers have used to resist labor unions. Identify how union membership varies by two (2) of the following: gender, race, region, industry, education, and/or full/part-time status.
4.Define bureaucracy. Explain what Weber means by his description of bureaucracy as the “iron cage of the future.” Burawoy found workers used the strategy of “making out” to resist bureaucratic control. Explain the process of “making out.”
5.Explain the cultural division of labor and discuss why height and weight restrictions act as statistical discrimination against women. Identify three (3) other ways in which women and/or racial and ethnic minorities experience discrimination in hiring, pay and/or promotion.
Hodson, Randy; Sullivan, Teresa A.. The Social Organization of Work (Page iii). Cengage Textbook. Kindle Edition. 

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Question 1
Labor force is the number of people above the age of 16 years and is economically active. These include those who are employed and the unemployed but are looking for jobs. Unemployment rate is the percentage of the labor force that is not working but are willing and looking for job but they cannot find it. Unemployment rate is calculated using the following formula:
Unemployment Rate=Number of Unemployed peopleLabor Force
The labor force includes the employed and unemployed people.
The Government uses the following four methods to calculate the unemployment rate:
* Labor Force Sample Surveys.
* Official Estimates.
* Social Insurance Statistics.
* Employment Office Statistics.
Calculation of the unemployment rate is prone to so many errors such as not taking into account those people who are seeking for a job and those who are in colleges. Also those who are self-employed are not considered. By not including all the unemployed and underemployed does not provide an accurate number. Data collection and reporting inconsistencies present errors (Bowen & Finegan, 2015).
Question 2
The concept of alienation according to Marx refers to alienating people or workers from certain aspects of their human nature. He also observed that workers lose motivation when they are denied the rights and freedom to achieve their objectives such as self-actualization by becoming directors of their own actions. Human beings are autonomous and self-realized but these are diverted to achieve different goals due to activities that are being dictated by the capitalists (O’Donohue & Nelson, 2014). According to Maslow in his hierarchy of needs, for a worker to be motivated, lower level needs must be satisfied before higher levels. If needs in one level are fully satisfied, they no longer become motivators. Needs in one level can be satisfied if the worker is deprived some of the motivators. Therefore, it is not possible for a worker to be both satisfied and alienated.
Question 3
Unions have played a crucial role in the compensation and work lives of all worker...
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