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Annotated Bibliography Part 1: Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Read about Project 2 and think about what topic you would like to work on for your project. 
What is it you want to know more about in regards to the study of work and the workplace? Has scholarly sociological research been conducted on this topic? 
What have scholars written about your topic? What does it mean to write an annotation of an article? Check out the website: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/614/01/ 
Present your topic for the annotated bibliography to the class. The professor will approve the topic or offer you suggestions for modifying or changing the topic. This discussion will also allow the professor to make suggestions of appropriate articles, authors and/or journals that relate to your annotated bibliography topic. This discussion will also allow you to interact with students and learn about the topics each of you are interested in studying. Offer suggestions to classmates: this may include how to focus or broaden a topic area, or you may suggest scholarly articles that may relate to their topics.
Project 2 asks you to conduct a systematic library research project on a topic which relates to the sociology of the workplace. You choose the topic you want to study. Are you interested in job satisfaction, gender inequality in the workplace, sexual harassment or occupational socialization? Perhaps you would like to research the household division of labor, the global assembly line or the glass ceiling? Consult the syllabus and course materials for additional ideas. You are to write a detailed annotated bibliography on this topic by consulting ten (10) scholarly sociology journals. All topics must be approved by Module 5: Submit topic to appropriate Discussion Board.
An annotated bibliography is an alphabetical (by author’s last name) list of references (on a specific topic) which is followed by an “annotation” or brief summary and review of each article. An annotation is typically 150-200 words in length and describes the content and focus of the article. It should outline the content relevant to your topic and indicate the quality and accuracy of the research reported. In essence, each entry should inform the reader about the topic of the article, its quality and its relevance to your topic. An annotation is NOT the abstract of an article. It is a brief summary and commentary of the information in the article. For more information on annotated bibliographies please check out the website: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/
The annotated bibliography should reference ten (10) recent (year 2000 and forward) sociology journals. You are welcome to consult additional sources beyond this article requirement.
Just a note regarding sociology journals…. Here is a list of peer reviewed sociology journals. This is not a complete list, you may have found articles in other sociology journals not on this list, and obviously your paper does not need cite articles from all of these journals. However, this list may be a good reference to have on hand. Remember, Project 2 should be a review of articles in the field of sociology - articles in newspapers such as the New York Times are not appropriate for this assignment. As always, please contact your professor by email if you have any questions as you work on Project 2.
American Journal of Economics and Sociology
American Journal of Sociology
American Sociological Review
Annual Review of Sociology
Berkeley Journal of Sociology
British Journal of Sociology
City and Community
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Computers and the Social Sciences
Contemporary Sociology
Critical Sociology
Current Sociology
European Journal of Sociology
Gender and Society
Human Organization
International Social Science Journal
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
Journal of Health and Social Behavior
Journal of Marriage and Family
Journal of Social Issues
Population Bulletin
Qualitative Sociology
Race, Gender and Work
Rural Sociology
Social Forces
Social Problems
Social Psychology Quarterly
Social Research
Sociological Focus
Sociological Forum
Sociological Inquiry
Sociological Methodology
Social Methods and Research
Sociological Perspectives
Sociological Quarterly
Sociological Research
Sociological Theory
Sociology and Social Research
Sociology of Education
Sociology of Sport Journal
Symbolic Interaction
Urban Affairs Quarterly
Work and Occupations
During MODULE 5, please present your topic for the annotated bibliography in the appropriate discussion board. The professor will approve the topic or offer you suggestions for modifying or changing the topic. This discussion board will also allow you to interact with students and learn about the topics each of you are interested in studying. This discussion board will also allow the professor to make suggestions of appropriate articles, authors and/or journals that relate to your annotated bibliography topic.
During MODULE 6, please present 3 annotations to the class. This will allow the professor to provide feedback on your entries prior to your final submission. At this time it is important to submit at rough draft (3 or more entries) of Project 2 to www(dot)turnitin(dot)com. Your professor will review the originality report and indicate the areas, if any, which need improvement. Submit the three (3) entries in this document to three individual posts on the discussion board. This will allow classmates to see what you are working on and may spark additional interest in the topic.
If you are not familiar with www(dot)turintin(dot)com -- please take a few minutes early on this week to familiarize yourself with it. It's very simple to use. You need to sign up as a new user if you haven't used the website before. You will also need your class ID and PASSword – ask your professor for these.
Project 2 counts as 20% of your final grade. Submit your annotated bibliography for ten (10) sources listed in alphabetical order by author to www(dot)turnitin(dot)com in Module 8. Be sure to also submit Project 2 to the appropriate assignment dropbox. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Annotated Bibliography Part 1
Institution of affiliation
Annotated Bibliography Part 1
Gender Inequality in the Workplace
Acker, J. (2006). Inequality Regimes: Gender, Class, and Race in Organizations. Gender & Society, 20(4), 441-464. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0891243206289499
The study addresses issues of intersectionality and the impact of gender, class, and race in organizations. The study theorizes that gender, class, and race contribute to inequality regimes. The study notes that there is a need for sociological studies to be conducted on the impact of gender in the organizational environment. The study notes that by providing an in-depth understanding of our innate biases, we can better appreciate the role they contribute to inequality regimes in the workplace. The study proposes the utilization of an analytic approach to the problem theorized by the study. The approach would enable us to understand how gender inequality is created in the workplace environment. The study notes that the workplace as a social arena provides a potent platform for addressing social injustice related to gender inequality. The study proposes that mechanisms for gender equality be tested in workplace environments. This would allow researchers to determine the reason why these mechanisms fail in addressing gender inequality in organizations and the larger society.
Bobbitt-Zeher, D. (2011). Gender Discrimination at Work: Connecting Gender Stereotypes, Institutional Policies, and Gender Composition of Workplace. Gender & Society, 25(6), 764-786. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0891243211424741
The study looks into the impact of gender stereotypes and how these contribute to gender inequality in the workplace. The study notes that some organizations have put in place policies that make it difficult for women to work in the organization. These policies further affect the hiring process resulting in a warped gender composition in the workplace. The study analyzed sex discrimination cases brought before the Ohio Civil Rights Commission. These cases provided the study with real situations where gender inequality was evident. The study investigates the underlying social factors that contribute to gender-based discrimination. By unearthing these factors, the study can be better positioned to address the structural elements related to organizations that allow gender inequality to remain pervasive in the workplace. The study found that culture, organizational structure, and interaction remain potent forces in affecting gender inequality in the workplace. This ultimately contributes to a more robust understanding of gender-based discrimination.
GAZSO, A. (2004). Women's Inequality in the Workplace as Framed in News Discourse: Refracting from Gender Ideology. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue Canadienne De Sociologie, 41(4), 449-473. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-618x.2004.tb00786.x
The paper looks into the discourse in the public sphere related to women in the organizational space. The study noted that women’s experiences in the workplace were judged against a background of their ability or lack thereof to fit in, juggle their responsibilities at home and in the workplace and how this reflects of the dominant narratives of men as the providers and breadwinners. The study analyses newspaper narratives on women in the workplace from The Globe and Mail and the National Post. The analysis attempted to determine how newspapers characterized women in the work environment with regard to social structure. The study noted that the news in the newspapers is often framed from a male perspective. This places women at a disadvantage. The dominant thought being that women ought to place their work as secondary to their duties in the home environment. This characterization contributes to gender inequality in the workplace.
Jiyeoun Song, (2016). Inequality in the Workplace: Labor Market Reform in Japan and Korea. International Sociology, 31(2), 171-173. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0268580915627093e
The study looks into the labor market reforms in Japan and Korea occasioned by the globalization of the market place and to cater to the economic demands of the corporate sector. The labor market reforms were driven by the desire to ensure that their labor markets remained competitive especially in light of the onslaught from cheap labor markets such as China and Africa. The study notes that Korea has relaxed labor market protection for all workers. This has particularly contributed to gender inequality in the market place. Women are no longer afforded the same level of protection e.g. merit-based employment practices, sexual harassment, etc. The study, however, notes that Japan has relaxed protections for some categories of workers while retaining the same for full-time workers. The relaxation of labor market regulations particularly protections disadvantage women. It contributes to a patriarchal work environment which in the long run results in a less creative, uncompetitive work force.
Leeth, J. & Ruser, J. (2005). Safety segregation: The importance of gender, race, and ethnicity on workplace ri...
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