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Review Code of Conduct: Ethics, Morality, and the Law

Essay Instructions:

Review Chapters 1 through 5 in the textbook. Then, research the Code of Conduct / Ethics for your city and state, as well as one to two (1-2) relevant articles that discuss codes of conduct for law enforcement officers.
Write a two to four (2-4) page paper in which you:
Explain three (3) reasons ethics and integrity will be important in your future career choice in law enforcement.
Determine at least two (2) aspects in which ethics, morality, and law differ in regards to affecting the decisions of your local law enforcement officers.
Recommend at least two (2) ways law enforcement officers should use ethics, morality, and a code of conduct in both their professional and personal lives.
Using the Law enforcement code of conduct for the state of your choosing, identify and discuss the two (2) most important aspects of the code as they relate to law enforcement activities in your state. (Atlanta,Ga.)
Support your position with two (2) relevant and credible references, documented according to the latest edition of APA. (Note: Do not use open source sites such as Ask.com, eHow.com, Answers.com, and Wikipedia.)
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics and Code of Conduct
Ethics and Code of Conduct
The three reasons why ethics and integrity will be important in my future career choice in law enforcement is because law enforcement agencies are regarded institutions that provides standards of behavior to the society. These institutions are entrusted to apply or remove constitutional rights in a lawful way (Roufa, 2016). Law enforcers are required to act ethically with integrity. Ethics is about determining what is bad from good behaviour .Ethics is understanding what can be considered as morally wrong or right(Roufa ,2016). Ethics is important to any law enforcers because of various reasons because ethics helps one develop critical thinking before enforcing any law. Ethics guides an individual while discharging duties, making an individual to be more responsible for their actions (Roufa, 2016).
Similarly, integrity is an important value that employers look for. Integrity can be described as the characteristics of an individual and the ability to demonstrate good morals, which includes applying ethical principles when discharging duties (Roufa, 2016). Integrity is one of the basic life principles as it promotes trust and honesty .People with integrity are dependable, meaning that they considered capable of discharging their duties without fear or favor (Roufa, 2016).
The two aspects in which ethics, morality, and law differ in regards to affecting the decisions of your local law enforcement officers.
The difference in which ethics, morality and laws differ and how the difference affects decisions as a local law enforcement officer is that, laws and ethics can be associated with managing individual behaviour in a society .Laws are designed to enforce certain moral and ethical standards within a society. While morality is derived from one's conscious and societal values mainly influenced by religious beliefs or certain political principles that are social accepted (Roufa, 2016). Ethics are set of values that g...
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