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The Ethical Responsibilities of the Case Manager and Recommended Action

Essay Instructions:

** Choose one of the case studies below for your substantive post. Analyze the case study using the COVER model Castro-Atwater (2015). Comment on the ethical responsibilities of the case manager and provide recommended actions. Follow-up posts can address either scenario.
Case Study: George
You are an external case manager with WorkSafeBC. Your role in this situation is to implement a graduated return to work. Your reports are forwarded to the WorkSafe rehabilitation manager and copies are frequently requested by the worker.
George is a thirty-five-year-old journeyman carpenter. He has been employed by a private construction company for the past five years. Three months ago, he injured his hand on the job. He has experienced a good recovery and his physician has approved a Graduated Return to Work. You met with George two weeks ago for the preliminary planning of the GRTW and are now meeting for the second time. During the first meeting, George spoke matter-of-factly about the injury and the recovery period and indicated that he was in agreement to starting a GRTW.
During your second meeting, George presents as much less enthusiastic about his RTW. He states that he has been feeling anxious about going back to work and attributes this to his supervisor, Glen. George reports that Glen is frequently aggressive in his manner, criticizes workers publicly, and can swing from being pleasant to being angry without warning. George worries about being criticized by Glen for what he refers to as his “stupid” mistake, an injury that resulted from being rushed due to the usual frenetic scheduling practices of Glen and the lack of the proper tool for the task that was commonplace. George reported that complaints have been made to the union over the years, but there has been no change to the work environment.
Case Study: Jane
You are an external case manager employed by a private disability management company. One of your clients is a large bank. Your role in this situation is to provide support to a bank teller in maintaining RTW.
Jane is a 52-year-old bank teller with 30 years' experience. She was diagnosed with breast cancer one year ago and has attempted to maintain work despite frequent absences for treatment and recovery periods. Prior to cancer, she tended to use up large amounts of sick time for absences related to depression. The bank manager has been able to bridge the gaps in her work with temporary and casual workers. During an interview with Jane at the disability management company offices, Jane breaks down, expressing frustration that while her colleagues have been superficially supportive, there are often derogatory remarks about her ability to sustain full-time work. Jane feels that these remarks stem from the extra work that has been required of her co-workers during her absences. Jane challenges you to fix the negativity within the workplace, indicating that it is your role to stand up for her and to implement the workplace mental health educational tools that she sees advertised everywhere.

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Disability Management- Case Study
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Disability Management- Case Study
Case managers frequently face the obstacle of navigating many circumstances and needs for their clients. Every case that a case manager handles has its uniqueness, presenting a diverse array of salutations. Amidst the vast difference of points, the case manager should show beneficence, justice, integrity, and autonomy. Charity entails a case manager promoting and supporting the well-being of their clients. In George’s case, the case manager should find actions that George feels comfortable with, like changing his role to a lighter one, manageable during the healing process. Also, caseworkers have to show justice in their course of action where they have to work with their clients without prejudice, bias, or discrimination. The case manager should not side with Glen, who supervises George when determining George’s case. The case manager also needs to show integrity in being trustworthy and honest with their clients. In this case, the case manager should tell George that he cannot get rid of Glen as it is beyond his capacity, but he can forward the complaint to the necessary organization for action. Lastly, a case manager has to give their autonomy, meaning they h...
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