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Homework 5 Writing Assignment Paper: Ethical Mini-Cases

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Inschool,we were taught the famous legend of George Washington, who, as a youth, could nottell a lie when he admitted to chopping down a cherry tree belonging to his father.Whetherthelegend is true is not as important as the lesson it is supposed to communicate: that honesty isan important trait of anyone, but especially of a leader.As we examine the issue of lying in thismodule, there are several questions that we will encounter:What is a lie?How do we knowthat lying is wrong?Are there reasonable excuses or rationales for lying?And is it everacceptable for a public official to lie in the performance of his or her official duties?In her classic book,Lying, Sissela Bok cites the absolutist position of the 18th centuryphilosopherImmanuel Kant, “Truthfulness in statements which cannot be avoided in the formalduty of an individual to everyone, however great may be the disadvantage accruing to himself orto another”(Bok, 1989) (p.38)Bok goes on to argue that “most have held the contrary view---that there are times when truthfulness causes or fails to avert such great harm that a lie isclearly justifiable” (p. 39).She further argues that this position leadsto another problem: “Themore difficult task remains: That of drawing lines.” (p.46)This module is about where other people have drawn those lines—and more importantly aboutwhereyoudraw those lines.You will read several case studies and score them onwhetheryoubelieve the central characters’ decision was right or wrong.By scoring the rightness orwrongness of the actions taken in the mini-cases, you are also revealing your own preferencesas reflected in your scores in the Ethical Type Indicator.After you have scored the mini-cases,read the piece by Dobel and then revisit the cases to see if you might have changed yourthinking.Your assigned readings should be read in the following order:a.Read the set of mini-cases entitled “Ethical Problems in Public Careers: Lying.” At theend of each case, ask yourself whether the central character’s action or decision was“right” or “wrong.”On page 10 of the case there is a score sheet; mark your answers toeach case on your sheet.You won’t bejudged on how you score but think about whatyou would have done if you had been the central character in each situation.b.Read the “Two Oaths of Richard Helms” case.c.Read Chapter 10 of Dobel’s book,Public Integrity.d.Then revisit the mini-cases and see ifDobel’s analysis led you to alter your thinking oryour judgments on any of those mini-cases.e.Do the same with the Helms case.The nineteenth-century philosopherJeremy Benthamstated a lie that is not accompanied by "any othermaterial circumstances," nor does not produce "anymaterial effects" is really not offensive at all.It wouldbe difficult to compose ethical rules to cover a multitude(infinite really) of situations in which people lie.Withthis in mind, we mightproclaim that lies are relative and can only be judged against the set ofcircumstances in which they occur.The relativist probably determines that lying is then ethicallyneutral, depending on the circumstances.On the other hand, Bentham goes on to state thatlying would be instrumental in producing "pernicious effects."What kind of "pernicious effects"does lying produce?Think about how you might feel should you be on the receiving end of alie.Maybe it is not harmful to anyone, but once you discover that someone has purposely liedto you, you become suspicious and trust is, if not destroyed, then at least damaged.If lying wasacceptable all the time, how would we be able to tell what is truth?In such a society, suspicion,mistrust, and cynicism would undoubtedly underlie all of our personal and professionalrelationships.Although it is somewhat easy to identify situations where lying is wrong, can we also identifysituations where lying is acceptable? Don't we all lie, especially to save another's hurtfeelings?How about those white lies we use to get out of or over a commitment?Arethosekindsof lies acceptable to most people?We would certainly say that lying to save a life wouldbe a "good" lie.Once we agree that some forms of lying are "good" versus "bad," then the question becomesone of drawing lines rather than of absolutes.But what is a lie if not an absolute?We knowwhen we are lying and admittedly some people areverygood at it.The website dictionary.comgivesthe definition of the word lie as "a false statement made with deliberate intent todeceive."This definition points to the speaker's intentions.Intentions though can depend onwho is asking the question, how it is asked, and in what context.It is sometimes difficult to tell ifthere is a conscious attempt to deceive or if it was just a misunderstanding of what wasmeant.Politicians use this technique often, taking back what you think they said or being

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Homework 5
Institutional Affiliation
My responses to the ethical mini-cases were informed by observing decisions made for the good of the population instead of the interests of a few. Therefore, in cases 1, 2, 4A, 6 and 7, the decisions were wrong. The individuals in these situations choose to uphold lies and blackmail to achieve the desires of the particular cases. The lies not only impeded the truth but also facilitated adverse effects to the wider population. Cases 3, 4B, 5, 8, 9 and 10, were correct as their decisions sought to establish information and decisions for the interest of the people. For instance, upholding the oaths of the CIA office and preventing international incidences made decisions made in cases 9 and 10 correct.
The decisions made in these cases have inconsistencies. Some cases utilized lies, for instance, the JFK deal and the denial and Woodward lies to Deep Throat. Others implemented omission of the truth such as the analyst muffles uncertainties case where the governor downplayed doubts of the project to make it appealing. Moreover, contradictions are evident in the decisions. For example, in the case of fiddling the Rules Committee Chairman, Elizabeth Jackson, implements a tactic of threatening and blackmailing the Rules Committee chairperson. The move challenges the significance of the amendment she was pushing for against the actions she undertakes.
The Dobel concepts influenced a change to my original judgments. The chapter states that political prudence is the incorporation of morals, virtues, and legal responsibilities together to become an ethical and responsible leader. Political prudence necessitates leaders to uphold ethics, and exercise sound judgment to achieve the responsibilities and expectations of protecting the population’s security, well-being, and interests. In my opinion, the handling of cases 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 was wron...
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