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Consumerism and globalization Social Sciences Assignment

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This is an assignment for environmental science, assignment 2 was selected, topic 2, writer can have a free play on this, as long as its according to the teacher's instruction and meet the criteria. Thanks!

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Consumerism and Globalization
Consumerism is a collection of beliefs among individuals in a country that encourage the consumption of goods in ever-rising amount. Consumerism encourages the buying of goods that are not necessarily needed therefore leading to the wastage of money. Consumerism also encourages overproduction, which leads to the waste, of valuable resources in a country. It also motivates the act of many people going to debt. However, consumerism has its advantages as it is beneficial to the companies selling goods as they make a lot of profit from the increasing sales and also promotes the growth of the economy of a country. Consumerism experiences a global expansion since it first came into being in Europe and North America in the 19th century due to industrial revolution, advertisement, and the rise of the middle-class people.
Consumerism experiences a global expansion due to industrial revolution. Industrial revolution has taken place globally where so many different industries such as consumer goods industries and agriculture industries are set up. The rise of the industries increases the availability of goods in outstanding quantities, and the prices charged on the goods are very low. The availability of goods in large quantities and at low prices encourages expansion of consumerism as individuals spend even on the goods they do not need as they can affordably buy them, given the low prices charged (Berger, 2012). The industrial revolution also demands the construction of better roads so that the goods being produced in the industries could be easily be transported. The construction of the roads makes the goods to be easily accessed by the individuals, therefore, encouraging the expansion of consumerism as citizens buy unnecessary goods, as they are easily available and accessible. The industrial revolution, therefore, explains the global expansion of consumerism.
Consumerism experiences a global expansion due to advertisement. Many companies in the world embark on making advertisement effective so that consumption of their goods could be increased. Many companies advertise their goods to individuals in a careful language so that they can be able to influence the individuals into seeing the need of possessing the goods they are selling. The companies are always determined to captivate the individuals, and therefore they use platforms such as radio and television to advertise the...
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