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Ethical Issue Raised by CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing

Essay Instructions:

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This assignment asks you to reflect on the ethical aspects of a topic related to biology. You may use the topic you did your research on or any other topic that interests you in the course so far that lends itself to ethical analysis. Your reflection may be from the perspective of the individual, a particular social group or community, or society as a whole. Some questions that come up in such a reflection might focus on:

  • What are the basic rights and responsibilities as members of society and how do they apply to the situation at hand?
    • What counts as right or wrong, and why? Who decides?
    • What is the best way for people to behave toward others as well as oneself? What constitutes a life of human flourishing and well-being? 

There are no simple answers to these questions because, among other reasons, our concepts of ethics have been derived from a variety of religious, philosophical, or cultural traditions or milieus and may be very different for different individuals. In this assignment, there is no particular right or wrong answer; the idea here is to simply reflect on some aspect of human endeavor within the biological sciences that has moral relevance and could be subject to ethical analysis. Consider in particular the ideas, concepts, principles, and theories we study in this course

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Ethical Reflection
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Ethical Reflection
One biology-related topic that raises ethical issues is gene editing using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. CRISPR-Cas9 is a revolutionary tool that allows scientists to edit the DNA of any organism with high precision and efficiency. This technology can cure genetic diseases, create disease-resistant crops, and even modify human traits. However, it also raises many ethical questions about the safety, equity, and morality of manipulating the genetic makeup of living beings.
One major ethical issue raised by CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing is safety. The technique is still relatively new, and its long-term effects are not fully understood. There is a risk of unintended consequences, such as off-target effects or genetic mutations, which could lead to unforeseen health problems. Furthermore, there is the possibility of creating "designer babies" by selecting desired traits, which raises the question of whether it is ethical to use gene editing for non-medical purposes.
People may view gene editing differently depending on their values, beliefs, and interests. Some may see the potential benefits of gene editing as outweighing the risks and ethical concerns. For example, patients with genetic diseases and their families may support gene editing to cure or prevent such diseases. On the other hand, others may view gene editing as a slippery slope toward eugenics, where desirable traits are artificially selected while undesirable traits are eliminated. This could lead to social inequality and discrimination against people who do not possess certain traits.
Another ethical issue is the equitable distribution of...
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