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Essence Determining the Existence

Essay Instructions:

This 3-4 page Project Assignment picks up the discussion of the self in the week 2 discussion by asking you to further explore the question of who you are. If any of the philosophers we read this session might agree with your view, identify the philosopher and explain their position on the self. If any might disagree, identify and discuss the points of disagreement. Personal experience is particularly relevant to this prompt, so feel free to compare your own ideas/experiences to the philosophical theories from the readings. You might consider the following questions as you develop your response:

Does your essence determine your existence (as in the avocado view), or are you a product of your choices and environment (as in the artichoke view)? Or do you not have a solid, separate self at all (as in the non-Western views of the self)?

Does race/sex/gender/class/sexual orientation play a role in who you are? Is gender identity a fixed biological reality? Why or why not?

Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures in correct APA citation.

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The Self

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The Self

Essence Determining My Existence

Self-awareness is a crucial component for everyone. I find it intriguing to reflect on my self-assessment because it clarifies many facets of the present viewpoint. Self-awareness is an essential element that connects personal growth and human-level enlightenment between the self and soul. In this situation, using the avocado and artichoke metaphor to develop one's self-awareness further is helpful. The two points of view categorize people according to what they value most in life. Self-awareness is a great goal since it involves understanding oneself rather than relying on assumptions that might not be true. Self-awareness must follow a person's relationship to their soul. Environmental factors can influence the changes that people experience. Other factors to consider include love, schooling, the surroundings, and many others. Depending on an individual's self-nature, they typically have a distinct consequence.

My essence stems from a self-evaluation with the avocado view that more solid and robust is utilized. According to Aloix Balandra's concept, an individual has an intrinsic, unchanging human essence that persists after peeling back the layers of skin (Graham, 2020). The soul is unaffected by problems that arise in life, which helps to develop a strong sense of self. Therefore, a person'

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