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Dialectic and the Socratic Method

Essay Instructions:

In a 3-4 page essay, address/discuss the following:

Define “dialectic” and discuss how Socratic dialogue differs from other conversations.

Illustrate your understanding with examples of some specific beliefs one might examine via the Socratic Method.

Explain the difference between knowledge and opinion for Socrates as illustrated in the Meno and the Republic.

Explore your own response to the question of whether human beings can ever know the truth for certain. Can we ever achieve perfect wisdom about the kinds of ideas philosophers explore? Why or why not?

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What is Wisdom? A Philosophical Discussion
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The search for truth and real and accurate knowledge has been the core focus of ancient and modern philosophical theories. Socrates was a renowned Greek philosopher best known for developing unique means to seek and impart knowledge and wisdom. His "Socratic method" is a unique way to undertake positive discussion over debatable issues; based on the dialectic philosophy, this method investigates the underlying beliefs and shapes opinions. Plato used this method in his Republic to explore varied topics, such as the difference between knowledge and opinion. Overall, the Socratic Method offers an unprecedented portal to explore human beliefs and ideology, and it can help ascertain whether humans' quest for truth will ever succeed and achieve the ultimate wisdom. Hence, this essay aims to provide a detailed understanding of the Socratic Method and its practical application using examples to resolve the issue of mankind's eternal quest for true knowledge.
Dialectic is a famous philosophical term; this concept entails using active dialogues to propose arguments and counterarguments based on sound and rational reasoning. This method uses discussion and questions and discourages argumentation and confrontation to resolve contradictory opinions (Delić & Bećirović, 2016). The Socratic dialect process is a manifestation of dialectic philosophy as it uses a medium of dialogue to search for the truth and real knowledge, and it is generally regarded as the Socratic Method. This method shows remarkable differences from other means of searching for knowledge and wisdom in that it does not focus on winning or losing the argument (Delić & Bećirović, 2016). Instead, it encourages the opponents to attempt to understand each other's point of view based on a common enterprise.
The Socratic Method takes conversation as a "shared undertaking"; therefore, it differs remarkably from other discussions and arguments, as these arguments are based on accentuating differences in opinion. Hence, in most cases, other arguments culminate in conflict as every participant does their best to win the argument (Delić & Bećirović, 2016). By accommodating differences of opinions and criticism, the Socratic Method introduces a new pluralistic approach to seeking knowledge and truth based on freedom of expression and mutual happiness.
The Socratic Method provides an apt opportunity to examine and verify various common beliefs and opinions of modern society; for instance, this method can be used to settle arguments regarding the definition of love. Or it can be used to understand differences in opinion about the impact of global warming and climate change; furthermore, one can employ this method to understand the reality behind the negative impact of technological advancement on humans' active lives.
Plato was one of the first philosophers who used the Socratic Method in his book Republic to provide an in-depth understanding of critical issues. For this purpose, he used Socrates...
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