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Eliza And Signs Of Mental Disorders Essay Assessment

Essay Instructions:

I have to look again and send you the articles in the morning. I am not sure of the number of sources. I will let you know later
this is a three part paper Eliza intake part one, bio psychosocial assessment is part two and part three is cross-cutting level 2 which I have to find for you part one there is three question part 2 there are 3 questions part 3 2 questions. There is 5 pages of instructions. you have done of this work before in order # I have to look it up
order 3 00054948 is the paper that will help you with this assessment. I am sending the 5 pages of instructions I need in text citations and details

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Part 1
Eliza is 18 years of age raised by her two parents and has not exhibited any signs of mental disorders. She has pointed out that she feels take for granted by her friends. Eliza has in the past been involved in alcohol dinking and has mentioned that she has in the past also tried marijuana. In her view, she did not like marijuana and has never been in a case where she was drinking irresponsibly. As such, such cases are associated with high resistance from the patients as they feel that they are being victimized by either the parents or the administration. As such, they may develop negative attitudes towards any elements of authority or otherwise perceived (Cultural Formulation, n.d.). Eliza, was found in possession of alcohol and was slightly intoxicated. To her, she views the element of being told to take part in the counselling session as punishment for something that she did not do, or otherwise something that she considers trivial (Therapist Private Practice, 2017).
When carrying out the psychosocial assessment, it is thus important to show the student in this case that the, the process is part of a formality and one that is going to assist her to better handle herself in front of her peers and even in the presence of authority in her life. Whether it is the administration at the school or even her parents back at home. It is important that the student does not feel as though she is being victimized for letting her friends party in her room or having taken alcohol. This is important as it will help ease the element of resistance (American Psychiatric Association, 2017). By showing her the desired end results where she can be able to stand on her own and feel pushed around, gaining respect from her peers and even those that she considers authority in her life, she will have a more positive outlook on the process and even her life.
According to the level 1 cross cutting assessment, the client has shown that she has slight, less than a day or two indication of having interest in doing things, a mild indication of avoiding situations that made her anxious, slight sleeping challenges, slight indication of not knowing what she wants with her life and not feeling close to other people (American Psychiatric Association, 2017). From the assessment above, it is clear that she is suffering from low self-esteem, which is displayed in the fact that, she does not have enough drive over her daily activities, connecting with people and trying to avoid situations that make feel anxious. As such this is the first aspect that should...
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