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Describe Reagan Doctrine and the Soviet Union in Cold War

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Current Events and U.S. DiplomacyDue Week 9 and worth 175 pointsThis paper will be a revised and expanded version of the first research paper. Based on your instructor's feedback, you will first revise the first paper. (My first paper was #10333835 The Cold War and Diplomacy * Please Revise this paper to make assignment 2's paper)Write three-to-four (3-4) new pages that address the following:Define presidential doctrine and summarize the regional or global events during the Cold War leading up to the formation of the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1. Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between the country you selected and the U.S. before the presidential doctrine was announced. Describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and the country you selected in section (2) above. 
Describe the effect that the presidential doctrine has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.
Assess whether or not the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1 doctrine had had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the country you selected in section (2) above since the doctrine was first announced. 
Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. 
To help you understand this assignment further, the following description and examples may be useful.
Step 1: Define doctrine and identify why a president would want to announce one. 
A doctrine is an ideological platform that a president uses to advance a policy towards a country or region in order to accomplish foreign policy goals for the United States, so you will need to expand on this theme. 
Refer back to Assignment 1, and build on whatever doctrine you wrote about then. Say, for example, you selected the Truman Doctrine. Therefore, this is the only thing you will write about in Assignment 2 step 1. 
Step 2: Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between it and the U.S. 
Before the presidential doctrine was announced. In the case of Truman, you would pick either the Soviet Union, Greece, or Iran, since all three were affected by his doctrine. If you are writing about the Eisenhower Doctrine, you would choose Lebanon or Egypt; if you wrote about the Kennedy Doctrine, you would have write about Cuba or Vietnam; if your wrote about the Nixon Doctrine, you would choose either Vietnam, Saudi Arabia or Iran; if you chose Carter, you would select either Iran or Afghanistan; and if you wrote about the Reagan Doctrine, you would select Nicaragua, Angola, Russia or Afghanistan (although there were several others).
Step 3: Describe what effect the presidential doctrine you chose has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War. 
That is, how did the doctrine change the status quo regionally or globally after it was announced by the U.S.? What happened in Western Europe after the Truman Doctrine was announced? What happened in the Middle East after the Eisenhower Doctrine was announced? What happened with Cuba or Vietnam after Kennedy offered up his doctrine of flexible response? What happened in Southeast Asia or the Persian Gulf after the Nixon Doctrine went in effect? What happened in the Middle East after the Carter Doctrine was announced? What happened in Central America or Africa or the Middle East after Reagan announced his doctrine?
Step 4: Refer back to the country you selected in step two and describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and that country. 
How has the relationship changed between the U.S. and that country since the doctrine was announced?
Step 5: Evaluate whether or not the presidential doctrine had had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the one country you selected in section (2) above since the doctrine was first announced. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reagan Doctrine and the Soviet Union in Cold War
Reagan Doctrine and the Soviet Union in Cold War
Presidential doctrines are specific foreign policies and strategies of a government that a president stipulates when dealing with other nations. The principles usually entail key goals, stances and attitudes and foreign affairs of a nation that a president of a country outlines at the onset of his tenure about other nations. The USA, in particular, is a country with different presidential doctrines from various regimes from the time of cold war. One of such prominent tradition which changed the relationship between Afghanistan and the Nicaragua with the USA is the Reagan Doctrine by President Ronald Reagan in mid-1980s to 1991. Therefore, Reagan Doctrine was a Cold War foreign ideology of the USA that opposed the influence of the Soviet Union or the Soviet Communists in different nations. The Reagan Doctrine backed the Anti-communist nations against the Soviet regime especially in response to the Brezhnev Doctrine in the mid-1980s to the end of 1991. Specifically, President Reagan through his doctrine offered containment and direct assistance such as financial and military support to the countries that were against communism especially Nicaragua and Afghanistan.
The Reagan Doctrine decrees an open support of America to the anti-Soviet Union revolution with basis on justice, democracy and necessity to end tyranny. Therefore, the freedom fighters have to fight harder to save their country from a permanent loss of the dictatorial iron systems of the Soviet Union. Therefore, the USA under President Reagan Administration offered assistance to free the people from such autocratic system (Berman, 1990). A declaration of the stance by President Reagan arose due to the proclamation by Brezhnev Doctrine of the continuous expansion of the Soviet Union Sphere globally hence it became its antithesis. Thus, the USA had to work against the Soviet's periphery to reverse the increase. There, the move by the USA turned to proxies and supported the revolution against the status quo of the Soviet regime in such nations like Afghanistan and Nicaragua among others (Berman, 1990).
Soviet Union (Russia) and the USA Relationship during the Cold War
Prior before President Ronald Reagan assumed the USA presidency, the relationship between the USA and Russia was on the brink of collapse. The worse relationship began the previous years during the Jimmy Carter's regime. However, when Reagan became the President, he declared Russia an "Evil empire" and vowed to contain the Soviet Union and was ready to keep the non-Communist nations becoming Communists (Berman, 1990). Therefore, the president developed a space-based Strategic Defense Initiative called the "Star Wars" to destroy the Soviet missiles within the USA air range with a deployment of a medium-range nuclear missile in the five NATO nations to counter all the Soviet missile build-ups. Thus, the actions worsened the relationship between the USSR and USA since it derailed the development and rolled back the Soviet Communist influence worldwide. Also, the relationship continued to diminish due to the direct funding of the Reagan administration to the nations that were anti-Communist especially Afghanistan, Angola, Nicaragua, and Afghanistan as well as providing the military support to overthrow the Marxist regimes (Berman, 1990).
The peak of disagreements between the USA and Russia was evident immediately Russia invaded the Afghanistan. Initially, the Soviet Union supported the Afghanistan until the Soviet supported regime (Democratic Republic of Afghanistan) took over the nation. Majority of the Afghans were against the Russian sponsored government since it was against their Muslim religion. Therefore, the Afghan leader Hafizullah Amin killed the president to control the Afghanistan. As a result, Russia invaded Afghanistan and killed President Amin and installed President Babrak Kamal (Davis, 2015). Consequently, the United Nations condemned the war, and the Reagan government began supporting the Mujahideen soldiers who were fighting for their homeland and religion. On the other hand, while the Soviet Union supported the Afghanistan government with the communist system. The war was too expensive to the USSR that experienced heavy losses with intense pressure from the many nations. Besides, the Mujahideen used the...
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