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Research Assignment Paper On Risk Assessment of Alcoholic

Essay Instructions:

This is a risk assessment scenario choose your own client the instructions are in three parts part one write 300 words scenario on a client you believe requires a risk assessment part 2 150 to 200 words summary disscussing specific behaviors that lead you to create a risk assessment part three (3) 500 words on how would you assess the client include the three questions in part 3 the instructuoins are added. you can use your own client you have done work like this before for me. This is at least 1,000 words the references do not count references must be scholarly and in text citations. everything I have is in the one file I will send you some of the orders you have done but this will be a new client you may use some of the standard guidelines to finish this assessment if you wnat

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Risk Assessment of an Alcoholic
Risk Assessment of an Alcoholic
Part 1
Case: Taurus
Taurus is a 35-year-old who is a factory worker. He was arrested for drinking and driving (DUI/DWI). One day at work, his colleague advised him to quit drinking and engage in entertainment such as moving to clubs and enjoying dances or watching football games instead of drinking. The first arrest occurred three years ago due to the same drinking problem. However, he paid fine and attended six weeks in driving school. The argument is that his unemployment status coupled with a family to feed made him drink alcohol. Later on, he was employed as a driver in a processing plant and engaged in the distribution of finished products.
Taurus is married to Julian and has two children aged 10 and 8 years. Every time Taurus argues with his wife Julian, concerning drinking and becomes angry and defensive when Julian confronts him about too much drinking and being alcoholic. On a separate note, his father was an alcoholic and died in a road accident. Taurus sometimes becomes bitter when he recalls the way his father used to belittle, threatened and taunted his mother most of the time. Both of the parents have died. Unlike his father, Taurus’ mother constantly had depression and later died of heart attack.
Taurus has a good work history. He seldom misses working days in a year and a perfect record on all his day shifts. He has both in time-and-a half overtime on Saturdays and a role model to junior drivers. The manager mentions Taurus as a well organised, and discipline. Even though he is a reserved person whose medical information is difficult to get, he is afraid the employer will get information about his late DUI arrest and the rest will get to know about his drinking habits. He never drinks with his workmates and spends most of the time in a separate restaurant drinking a lot. Every evening, he ensures that he takes more than ten bottles of beer and falls asleep in the presence of his children at home. During weekends, Taurus takes about 15 bottles, especially on Friday or Sunday. However, he spends a whole day in a bar every Saturday whenever there is no call up for a job. The tendency and trend of consuming too much of the alcohol make his wife to complain a lot who refers to him as a "lousy husband". The last time he attended an AA meeting proved futile and never gained anything in the entire meeting.
Taurus at one point admitted that his alcohol consumption has been increasing lately and become estranged from his wife and children. Therefore, he noticed that his marriage is worsening. However, he does not anticipate that at one moment Julian would leave him. Currently, Julian complains that the house is doomed and they no longer sleep together especially when he is intoxicated on a regular basis. On his part, Taurus is optimistic that his marriage will be solid when he stops drinking but he has never shared the idea with his wife whose constantly quarrels him about the alcohol.
Both the wife and the children are religious and wish that Taurus would change for better and note that religion would solve his problems. He occasionally attends church services especially Easter Sundays and Christmas Eve. At the moment, Taurus is tormented due to the coming trial and strives to remain sober. However, he gets into trouble with difficulty in sleep without taking a bottle of beer. In addition, he feels suffocated when he stays away from the bar and finds it difficult to explain to his working colleague about the trial.
Part 2
Summary on Behaviors for Risk Assessment
Assessment of the likelihood of the behaviour and its consequences in a person helps in determining a person who is at risk. Regarding the behaviour of Taurus, there are numerous incidences that cover personal and situational factors hence increase the likelihood of risk behaviours. In addition, Taurus shows both clinical and historical behaviors that work either in combination and independently to increase the risk of developing a problem.
In relation to the personal network, Taurus has a limited social contact with his working colleagues. In addition, he has a poor relationship with his family especially his wife who does not want his alcoholic behavior. However, the family is ready to offer him support at the moment. However, he is not ready to commit himself to change.
On a separate note, Mr Taurus has a constant reduction in personal resources and strength. He consumes a lot of alcohol that deteriorates his health. In addition, his past history indicates a limited social contact with the parents especially the father who despised h...
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