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Describe in detail the 5 Domestic Violence Theories.

Essay Instructions:

Perform the following tasks:

Step 1: Describe in detail the 5 theories of domestic violence listed below

1.Culture of Violence Theory (Positive School - Sociological Theory --social structure and cultural)

2.Social Disorganization Theory (Positive School - Sociological Theory --social structure and cultural )

3.Gender Role Theory (Positive School - Sociological Theory --social structure and cultural)

4.Intergenerational Transmission Theory (Positive School - Psychological Theory -- social learning)

5.Behavior Modeling Theory (Positive School - Psychological Theory -- social learning)

Conduct research on the Internet or using other library resources to find one recent (within the last ten years) case from the news (not legal cases necessarily, just incidents of domestic violence that made news headlines) for each of the theories you have chosen.

*For each case/news article, detail how one of the separate theories you have chosen can be used to explain the domestic violence that occurred.

For at least one of the domestic violence incidents, please, research North Carolina.

Step 2: Cite your resources.

Make sure that you note the websites and other materials you used in your research. This means that you must BOTH cite to the sources of your info (in-text citation -- i.e., (Godsey, 2017)), AND include a references page.

When citing the individual theories, please use the text: HEAVY HANDS: An Introduction to the Crimes of Intimate and Family Violence, Fifth Edition, by Denise Kindschi Gosselin

Thank you very much in advance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Domestic Violence Theories
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1 On July 29, 2006, an infamous case about domestic violence aired in national news as Lissette Ochoa was heavily battered and almost killed by her husband, Rafael Dangond. According to news reports, Lissette Ochoa was battered by her husband for hours as he became jealous that his wife was dancing with another man. Using the Gender Role Theory, this can be viewed as his idea that women should always be reserved while men (especially husbands) are entitled towards ‘correcting’ their woman’s behavior. Through the investigation, it was found that there are rumors that Dangond was a high-end drug lord in Columbia (Facil, 2006). Even the results of drug tests show that he was using drugs. Following from this, his actions could also be analyzed regarding the Culture of Violence theory and Social Disorganization Theory. One the one hand, Culture of violence theory suggest that his profession of being (allegedly) a drug lord could have led to the violence, as cartels are known to kill other people and exhibit aggression towards their enemies. On the other hand, Social disorganization theory shows that his upbringing in Columbia, where drug-related crimes are prevalent could have been the reason why he exhibited violence against his wife (Rempel, 2012). As per Intergenerational and Behavior modeling theory, the lack of evidence about possible abuse exhibited by his parents during his childhood as well as that of negative modeling makes it difficult to analyze Dangond’s case through these models.
2 Another infamous case of domestic violence was that of Charlotte Rooks, which happened in Cardiff, Wales. According to reports, Rooks’ has experienced abuse from her live-in partner, Craig Thomas as she was hammered, forced to stand while sleeping, and even eat pictures of her dead loved ones (Hayward, 2017). In this case, the most likely explanation was the Social Disorganization Theory. This is because, while there are no other reasons that were emphasized in the reports, it was stated that Thomas is and raised in Cardiff. According to recent news reports, Cardiff has the highest crime rates. However, this could also be viewed through other theories such as Gender Role theory, which makes him feel entitled to being the male in the relationship. Other data about his life are not available making this case difficult to be viewed through other theories.
3 Back at labor day 2012, Jamie Kimble was shot dead by an ex-boyfriend in North Carolina. According to her parents, her ex-boyfriend has always been manipulative, while she denies it most of the time. Looking at the statistics of North Carolina, this abuse could be attributed towards the high rates of Domestic abuse in the state, which amounts to about 2% (EnoughNC, 2017). However, similar reports also state tha...
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