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Campus Controversy. Universities should not remove memorials or monuments

Essay Instructions:

Original order instructions.

The Issue: Campus Controversy

Campus activism is on the rise. Students of all ages across the country are emboldened and vocal, sharing their views, organizing, acting, disrupting, and demanding to be heard or seen. However, while activism may be admirable, democratic, patriotic, or even necessary, it places significant stress on higher education institutions that must balance - and teach - respect for social and institutional values, respect for historical context and changing social contexts, safety, and 1st amendment freedoms.

***Instructions for the paper are as follows: **I want the position to say “NO” universities should NOT remove monuments or memorials.

In a 4 page, APA style essay, take a position on how universities must or should act in the face of campus controversy. ***The question to be answered is: Should universities remove controversial monuments or memorials? Why or why not?*** Sources should be used to support the essay's position and may be selected from the discussion readings provided. Sources selected from outside the ones provided should be of the same type (avoid op-ed pieces; focus on media coverage that documents the nature and actions related to the controversy, legal issues or expert opinions surrounding the controversy, and statements from the universities.) Reference page needed.

*****An outline that contains thesis position, supporting points (i.e.body paragraph points), and source or type of evidence that will be used to validate each supporting point is needed.

Essay Requirements:

• focused thesis position

• critical, academic structure

• textual evidence drawn from at least 4 sources

• correct attribution and documentation

• Edited American English

• error-free

• APA Style

**The following are links to articles that are viewpoints to read and consider, according to the instructor.






*****I ordered a Discussion assignment regarding this topic and would like for the same writer to do both assignments so that the same information can be used in both assignments.

Grading criteria:

• Critical Response

Written product demonstrates analysis (compare/contrast, interpretation, evaluation and/or definition) that documents student's grasp of the topic and readings; the student articulates a well-defined position on a text or within a multi-faceted issue.

SLO: Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts.

• Evidence

Appropriate sources that build credibility of student and argument; effective attribution & correct quoting.

SLO: Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution.

• Documentation

APA style (in-text citations & full source citations) is correct, complete & document is correctly formatted.

SLO: Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution

• Academic Writing

Writing displays formal voice & language; text follows thesis-based, top-down, structure that articulates claims first and validates all claims with evidence.

SLO: Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose.

• Sentence Level Skill

Writing is concise (avoids wordiness, repetitive and redundant phrasing), specific, and error-free; demonstrates varied sentence structure and is easy to read (flows, avoids choppy or awkward phrasing).

SLO: Use Edited American English in academic essays.

• Process SLO

Written product demonstrates work on ideas & critical position in a discussion, development, or drafting stage; or, final product demonstrates a clear end-stage, well-developed position reached through process stages.

SLO: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Campus Controversy
Institutional Affiliation
Campus Controversy
Title: Campus Controversy
I. Introduction
a) Thesis: Universities should not remove memorials or monuments
b) Introduction to campus activism. Activism in Universities has been on the rise over the years in the U.S.  c) History of the monuments in universities. The monuments in universities were erected after the civil war in 1865.
II. Body
a) The monuments are part of history
The monuments were erected as part of honoring historical figures who greatly fought to safeguard state rights.
 The figures act as a reminder for students about the historical events that occurred during the civil war and the part played by the individuals represented.
A white nationalist rally led to an acknowledgment of the Confederate monuments in 2017 (The New York Times, 2017).  b) The monuments help in scholarly activities
Having the monuments in the institutions creates a sense of meaning and appreciation, which encourages the students to be more interested in their country’s history. Regardless of claims form historians demanding the removal of the monuments because of their representation of slavery and suppression, the monuments play a much more important role in educating the students. 
Removing the memorials will only whitewash history (BBC News, 2017). 
c) They are useful to anthropologists
Anthropologists view the monuments as important figures for studying historical events. The nature of the figures can be used to accurately depict events in history by studying the material used to make them. 
Countries such as Egypt and Russia have failed to erase the history linked to the destroyed monuments (Kunzar, 2017).
d) The Monuments act as a reminder of the cost of our forebears. 
Despite some individuals viewing the monuments as an insult to the fight against racism, they also act as a reminder of the suffering that the individuals went through as a result of the discrimination. 
Having the monuments, therefore, act as a constant reminder of the effects of racism and what people would go through in case history repeats itself.
e) Alternative strategies
Destroying the monuments does not guarantee student cooperation. Instead, the universities should consider alternative solutions to dealing with the activism. 
The universities should consider adding more details to the monuments to make them more educative and enli...
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