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Federalism As The Basic Structure Of A State. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

This is my final homework for English class, need to write according to the grading rubric and the requirement that I uploaded.

Examine what federalism can mean, and the reasons why it might be adopted as the basic structure of a state. what problems does federalism help accommodate ,and what problem does federalism itself pose to a political system?your discussions should draw on practical examples from  one or more federal states.

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Federalism As The Basic Structure Of A State: Problems Federalism Help Accommodate, And Problem Federalism Pose To A Political System?
Federalism is a common system of governance adopted by several countries; federalism is defined as a form of government where sovereignty and political powers are shared. A federal system should have a written constitution that is rigid, an independent judiciary, with both levels of governments offering services that directing impact on the local citizens and the allocation of sources of revenue at each level is adequate. Other scholars define federalism based on circumstantial factors and forces, federalism is also defined as a political system and it’s more of an institution that is meant to unite people within a single polity with diverse groups or component of politics maintaining their personality and individuality.
With several benefits of federalism, many countries prefer a federal system as its basic structure of governance due to the desire for independent regional governments. Some of the benefits of federalism include the ability to solve problems the government might experience while expanding its authority. Federalism helps with mobility of capital on labor, hence, improving the living standards its citizens.
Federalism also poses as a problem to the political system due to conflict of interest and the need for control. The allocation of functions among jurisdiction at different scales has greatly affected policy formulation and outcomes caused by the federal system especially in America. Despite the benefits and challenges federalism itself poses within a political system, federalism still remains a dominant political trend due to the desire for independence of regions.
With several benefits of federalism, many countries have embraced it as the key to good governance. The desire for establishing independent regional governments has pushed many countries to adopt a federal system. Federalism is a political system having two levels of government with assigned authority and functions. The functions of these two governments arise due to the social, economic and political factors (Paleker, 2006). Paleker broadly discusses federalism referring to the three theories; these are classical theory, origin theory, and the functional theory Paleker, (2006).
The classical theory refers to federalism as a form of government where sovereignty and political powers are shared between the local and the central government. Each institution is independent (Paleker, 2006). With a federal system, specific conditions like a written constitution that is rigid, an independent judiciary, both levels of governments offering services that directing impact on the local citizens and the allocation of sources of revenue at each level is adequate are key (Paleker, 2006).
The origin theory defines federalism based on circumstantial factors and forces hence, the sociological theory, the multiple factory theory and the political theory are relevant when defining federalism. The sociological theory view federalism as a result of society, hence a federal system has diverse elements caused by the difference in economic, religion, race, nationality, language, and historical background (Paleker, 2006).
According to the political theory, federalism entails having two centers of power that coordinates and work independently. Federalism can be described as a political system and it’s more of an institution that is meant to unite people within a single polity with diverse groups or component of politics maintaining their personality and individuality. These different components results in a new totality that becomes separate and distinct political and constitutional unit (Paleker, 2006).
Derthick, (1992) describes federalism as a unique form of government whereby the government functions are divided between the national government and several sub-nations based on a consent written in the form of a constitution. The American federal system is unique because the states are not the creation of the national government instead, the state derive their powers from the constituents (Derthick, 1992). This means there are distinct powers between general and regional authorities with both having their own sphere but coordin...
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