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Diversity Issues in the Natural Sciences and the Military

Essay Instructions:

Essay 3: Diversity Issues in the Natural Sciences and the Military

Message history (#00038216) contains the outline to base this essay of off. 

Essay 3 DUE in Module 6, should be 1500 to 2000 words in length (not including title page and reference page). The paper must contain in-text citations and references in APA style. Papers submitted without in-text citations and a reference page will not be accepted.

In Essay 3 you will compare and contrast the experiences that diverse groups encounter in two different settings: the military and the natural science professions (STEM). Please be sure to review the learning materials for this module before beginning to address this assignment.

Here are your instructions for this M5A1 assignment that will form the foundation of your Essay 3 (due in Module 6):

•Select one group, either minorities—such as African Americans, Latinos—OR women..

•Create a research topic/question that will allow you to compare and contrast the treatment, prejudices faced, and challenges encountered in the organizations experienced by your group, both in the military and in the STEM fields.

•For example:

•My group: Select from the list above.

•Research topic/question: “(The group you wish to consider) that enter the army or try to enter the STEM fields often confront prejudices and stereotyping that limits their ability to succeed. This forces them to leave the army and the STEM fields at an unacceptable rate.”.

•Create a short (2+ pages) outline for this topic/research question detailing how you will examine these two institutions’ approach your group. Be objective; use facts and data from your research. Cover one and then the other, then compare and contrast the facts you have located. How are the two institutions’ approaches to or treatment of your group alike, and how are they dissimilar?.

•Show the unequal treatment of your group by both institutions. Ex.: (Your chosen group makes up 50% of the U.S.. population, but only 10% of those with terminal STEM degrees and only 20% of officers in the army. (Johnson, 2013)).

•Discuss how the covert or overt policies (that limit the participation of women and minorities) can ultimately be detrimental to the whole country..

•List two academic resources you will be using, one for each perspective. Give complete APA style references for each..

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Prejudice against African Americans in the U.S military and STEM fields
In focusing on the topic of discussion, the scope will look at the challenges that women of colour face when they seek to enter the fields of sicence and the milliatry. Although the stereotype in modern day world is less as compared to yester years, it is still in existence. Although the prejudice against white women is less, they still find themselves trapped by policy limiations that do not allow them to actively partcipate in milliatry and STEM fields.
Whether by default or common practice, the society is largely chauvinistic. The position of a woman is supposed to be second after the man. Women have continually played the second fiddle to their male counterparts. This is because they are considered as lesser as humans who ‘do not have what it takes’. The chauvinistic approach looks at men from their muscular point of view and thus looking at women as weaker (Seagal &Seagal, 2014). This approach also takes men to be smarter in terms of intelligence as compared to their female counterparts. The focus of this paper is the general treatment of women in both the military and fields of science. Among the issues of discussion include challenges and prejudices against women in the two fields.
In the wake of liberation of women and ensuring that no gender is discriminated against, it is highly unfair that women who are in the military and are willing to fight for their country should be deterred based on their gender. The 1st Amendment of the American Constitution guarantees freedoms and various rights including being a patriot and being able to serve diligently in the government without any form of discrimination. For a long time, women have not been allowed to maximize on their potential just because they are women. The female gender is demonized and made to appear as if it is a weakness. It is almost considered an infirmity for one to be a woman. The 1st Amendment states clearly that every person regardless of their affiliation should have an equal chance to all the opportunities that are available. In the light of the foregoing provision, women ought to be allowed in combat zones.
Chauvinistic Approach
Gone are the days and times when the ability of a person to perform professional duties were based on their masculinity. This is a perception that is not only outdated but also retrogressive (Simon, 2011). It is said what a man can do, a woman can do better. This is simply meant to bring home the point that just because a man and a woman are of different genders does not in any way mean that their brains are any different. So long as a woman is in the military and has the understanding of what goes on in combat zones, it is only fair that she, just like her male counterpart be allowed in combat zones because she is equally able.
While it may be true that naturally men are created with masculinity which women do not have, this does not make them less capable (Simon, 2011). Whether women should be allowed to serve in the military and especially in the combat zones should be based on the experience that she has and the kind of training that she has undergone. Gender should never be a factor that should be considered in deciding who goes to combat zones.
Changing times
Despite the fact that women have had to fight a long battle to be in the same level as their male counterparts, one may say that there is optimism since women have come a long way in ensuring that their rights are equally recognized (Byko, 2015). Years back, the mere act of being part of the military for a woman was so difficult, almost impossible. Rules and regulations as well as policies governing such issues have now become more flexible and women can now serve in the military. However, women are still being restricted in the specific areas of military that they can be allowed to serve. It is expected that as women continue to fight for their liberation, more will be done to ensure that women are freely allowed to serve in combat zones.
In America, the provisions are very clear that in areas where the country is expected to counter the enemy, women cannot be allowed as it is believed that they do have the emotional capability to counter the enemy without sympathizing. Such areas are thus out of bounds for them. When asked to explain the rationale behind this policy, those concerned with coming up with such policies argue that women as much as they may have the training usually lack the required experience. As such, it is only men who are allowed in such dangerous and sensitive areas like the combat zones (Washington, 2014).
They further argue that not allowing women in combat zones is more of respect than degradation. They say that women naturally tend ...
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