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Analyze Ad How to Effect on Obama and Romney 2012 Campaigns

Essay Instructions:

Media has a large effect on campaigns. For this assignment you will choose 2 political commercials from each of the Obama and Romney 2012 campaigns (4 total) and analyze each of them for the following:

What do you see in the commercial? Describe images or text.

What do you hear in the commercial? Describe voices, music, background sound effects.

What do you think the commercial producers want you to feel or think? What makes you say this?

Do you think the ad is effective? Why or why not?

Please write in full sentences!

Some useful websites to find political commercials from the 2012 campaign include:

The Living Room Candidate (http://www(dot)livingroomcandidate(dot)org/commercials/2012) (Note: ads are not closed-captioned, but do include a transcript)

President Obama’s YouTube Channel (https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/user/BarackObamadotcom) (Note: ads have auto-captioning)

Mitt Romney’s YouTube Channel (https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/user/mittromney) (Note: ads have auto-captioning)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analyze Ad How to Effect on Obama and Romney 2012 Campaigns
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The Obama for America 2012 television advertisement was the first advert in a series of interesting victory-oriented adverts launched during his second journey to the White House. At the beginning of this advert, still images of Obama in office put together with bold texts corroborating with the background narrations of a deep-voiced male narrator are visible. Images of wind turbines, oil rigs, solar and photovoltaic systems are clearly visible. The text used in this advert is mainly about the energy industry and the response to oil billionaires who had previously attacked President Obama about the accomplishments he had achieved in the energy industry. There are two main voices in this advert. The first is the voice of the narrator which is firm and exudes confidence in the facts presented in the advert. The second is Obama’s voice signing off with his approval of the message as a way to authenticate its precision. The music used in this advert creates an inspirational touch to the advert.1
According to me, the commercial producers want to make us feel that all the facts about the development of the energy industry are true and there is evidence to back these facts. I say this because the message is direct and specifically focuses on the energy sector. There is also an aspect of assurance that Obama has indeed improved the trends in the renewable energy sector. This advert is effective because it gives links to Obama’s official website for any questions one might need to ask and for confirmation about documented facts concerning the energy sector. Auto captioning in this advert also increases its effectiveness due to its ability to be clear to the hearing impaired demographic.
The second commercial, Let’s Finish What We Started, is a motion picture advert depicting Obama’s relationship to the citizens of the United States. The images in this advert show an energetic Obama, mostly on the podium communicating with huge gatherings of his following and potential voters. Background voices of people cheering as Obama makes his speeches alternate between variations of high and low pitched background music that creates an emotional feeling towards Obama’s speeches.2 The commercial producers want the viewer to become inspired and to reassure them that Obama has made a change in the country’s political and economic positions. I say this because there is a clear depiction of honest communication and emotion in Obama’s speeches and the intriguing background music. This advert’s effectiveness is evident as it depicts Obama’s ability to relate with the public in a non-political point of view.3
Mitt Romney’s advert, The Romney Plan was a sixty second long depiction on his stand against the re-election of Obama. In this video, text on the screen is part of the background voice narrating Romney’s...
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