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Discussion on Uma Narayan

Essay Instructions:

Short Paper Assignment #1

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to produce your own piece of philosophy where you engage an argument, present it carefully and accurately, mount an objection to the view and then respond to that objection on behalf of the author. This process lies at the heart of what philosophers do. This is an assignment connected to the learning outcomes of written communication and critical thinking.

Format: Typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font (or some font similar), 1 inch margins all around. Put page numbers at the bottom and label the sections in the paper.

NOTE NO Plagiarism

Topic: Choose one reading selection from Narayan, that am going to send you and when you cited put the author and the page number. No out side resources. in addition, am going to send you a sample essay so you know the concept. It should be similar but not exact.

In your essay, do the following, in this order:

(Section 1 Introduction) In the introductory paragraph, using the first person, clearly lay out what your essay is about and what you plan to do in the rest of the essay. Use sentences like: "In this essay I will lay out argument x. Then, I will present an objection to x. I will then respond to that objection...etc." Only one short paragraph for this section.

(Section 2 Present the View) Clearly and faithfully describe the general philosophical issue that the author's writing addresses. Describe the author's position with respect to this issue. In other words, what exactly is the author arguing for or against? Summarize the author's reasoning or argument for their position. (NOTE: You may represent the reasoning as a formal set of premises and a conclusion, but this is not necessary.) Should be about 2 full paragraphs.

(Section 3 One criticism of the view) In the next section, suggest one possible line of criticism that you consider potentially compelling against the author's reasoning (not simply against the author's endorsed position). Describe what you take to be the significance of this criticism. (For example, is it a devastating criticism, or what aspect or portion of the author's reasoning does it attack?) Should be at least one full paragraph, could be two.

(Section 4 Response to the criticism) Articulate one possible response to the criticism that you think the author might offer in defense of their position. (It is not necessary that the author actually provides this response, only that you take it to be consistent with the author's position and reasoning as you understand them.) Should be one paragraph.

(Section 5 Conclusion) In one paragraph, conclude with a short statement of what you consider the take-away message. (For example, can the author respond successfully to the criticism or not? Does this line of criticism threaten the viability of a certain type of position or not?) Only one short paragraph for this section.


Be sure to provide some textual evidence for the claims you make regarding the author's position and reasoning. Sections (2) and (3), in particular, will require you to pay close attention to the relevant text. Direct quotation can be very effective for providing evidence of the author's views. But you should not bring in outside sources for this assignment, stick to the text itself.

Examples can help make your points clear for the reader and prevent your writing from being overly abstract.

The heart of the essay is sections 2-4. Do not let sections 1 and 5 take up too much space!

The paper should be easy to follow, points made clearly, grammar and syntax mistakes kept to an absolute minimum, and no colloquial or slang words used.

Referring to the work of others:

Whenever you make reference to an existing work, whether it is something we have read in class or something you find on your own, you must cite it but you do not need a bibliography. You should also cite any specific information you take from my lectures.

Internal citations, rather than footnotes are fine (though if you bring in an outside source, some citation through a footnote is acceptable if you provide the source). If and when you quote from one of our readings, I'll know the source so long as you provide the following information. The format here should be: (Author, page number).

Sample Citation: Searle argues that "Strong AI is unusual among theories of the mind in at least two respects: it can be stated clearly, and it admits of a simple and decisive refutation" (Searle, p. 182).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Uma Narayan
Uma Narayan
In her piece The Project of Feminist Epistemology, Uma Narayan makes a compelling argument. First of all, she agrees that being in an oppressed group might present one with an epistemic advantage because of the exposure to the cultural practices of more than one group. However, Narayan also warns that while the above might seem like a good thing, people should not praise or esteem oppression on account of it. Narayan has made her piece simple and easily comprehensible and hence it is indeed easy to grasp the gist of her piece. This article will be divided into three main sections in which I will present her views, offer criticism of one of her views, provide a response to the criticism, and finally, conclude the essay.
Narayan’s View
From the article, Narayan appears to be a person who makes the best out of any situation she might find herself in. While under oppression, it might be hard to relive her words but she does make a compelling argument and backs it with evidence. Knowledge is created when people merge their different perspectives. However, in the world today and before, according to Narayan, the dominant narrative has always taken center stage. While few have raised concerns over this, Narayan believes that the world has been robbed off a different perspective to things. Women, for example, have always been seen as inferior to men, and while this has led to the uproar that is women feminism, it is quite true that their perception and contribution in the world has been suppressed. As a result of the above, Narayan says that their perspective of the world has, therefore, been lacking.
Narayan believes that the world needs to evoke a new perspective. In her piece she says, “The inclusion of women’s perspective will not merely amount to women participating in greater numbers in the existing practice of science and knowledge, but it will change the very nature of these activities and their self-understanding” (Narayan, 80). She issue according to Narayan is not increased women’s involvement in the workings of the world, but an ear to their views and contribution in the world.
However, while she embraces the notion of feminist epistemology, Narayan also warns that there is a “dark side” to this phenomenon. While, having two different and inherently incompatible frameworks of the world might be seen as an advantage, there are issues that it might embrace. Narayan notes that “the person may be tempted to dichotomize her life and reserve the framework of a different context for each part” (Narayan, 81). Additionally, she also believes that an “individual may try to reject the practices of her own context and try to be as much as possible like members of the dominant group” (81). Her views are indeed comprehensive and help to paint a clear picture over the plight of the minority groups, women, and all other marginalized groups.
Criticism of Narayan’s Vi...
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