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Discussion on Democracy

Essay Instructions:


Please address the follow prompt in at least two pages, no more than three. The prompt is designed for you to use the discussion posts you’ve already done as raw material for the body of the essay. Anything you’ve written so far should be valid in this essay, however you should be writing more formally (with proper citations), and working closely with the readings to make your main points. Any recognized format for citations and references is fine with me so long as you are consistent. If you would like help with that I will point you to resources on APA style. Email me with any questions and have fun with it.


Let’s talk about democracy as a broad theme to tie together the lessons of the course. First, what is globalization, and how is it uniting and dividing us? What is global civil society and what are some different theories of it that we have read? What are some different explanations for how political democracy has spread around the world? Lastly, what is neoliberal globalization and how does it impact democracy and inequality around the world? Based on this, what are some overall positive and negative aspects of globalization you’re your perspective, and how can we think about democracy broadly as a way to develop strategies for positive change?

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Globalization is used to describe the mounting interdependence of general financial prudence, cultures, and populaces, which has been contributed to by flows of investment, individuals, and facts. Accordingly, globalization is the course of communication and mix among individuals, organizations, and legislatures worldwide. Globalization unites us because it plays an imperative role in extending international cultural, financial, and radical activities (Albrow et al., 1994). As individuals, concepts, information, and commodities travel more freely around the universe, individual experiences become more comparable. Globalization also contributes to dividing us because, on a personal level, it affects the standard of living of different families. It necessitates particular resources to a specific socioeconomic class without considering others (Zaslove, 2008).
The massive aggregation of entities functioning across boundaries and beyond authorities' jurisdiction is called "global civil society." It is extensively argued whether such groups represent a new, progressively independent domain or are artifacts of Western free culture. An example of a global civil society is the World Wide Fund for Nature (Kumar, 2007). Some international civil society theories are liberalism, social capitalism, and multiculturalism. The liberal theories focus on ensuring individuals have the freedom to pursue what they want. On the other hand, social capital theory strives to define the ambit of civil society. Finally, multiculturalism theories focus on accommodating individuals from different cultural, ethnic, and religious groups.
Democracy is described as a system of governance in which the individuals hold sovereign authority and express it explicitly or implicitly through a representative system, which often includes free elections regularly. Therefore, political democracy has spread worldwide due to the urge of people to choose the...
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