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Essay on Discipline Discipline yourself to be successful in life by making millions of dollars. based on learning and understanding discipline types of discipline, forms of discipline, various discipline methods forms of positive discipline methods and mind discipline with questions added for them to think about. Sources for discipline would be King James version bible bible verses,, Navy Discipline any type of instructions and as it relates, disciplining your mind 10 page essay to teach the class of about a period of 5 hours

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Discipline is an important virtue in life, and particularly self-discipline is a critical aspect that determines success in life. Discipline typically involves adherence and respect to a set standard and hence it takes into account order and organization in life. Relevance of discipline in life is underlined by the negative impact when discipline is lacking including presence of chaos. Nature includes ordered phenomena and this shows that without discipline things would not work out clearly. This includes how day and nights occur, and the seasons in a year. Without discipline it would take more time and energy to carry out tasks. Thus, discipline applies in almost all aspects of life, as better-organized people are more likely to set clear goals and follow up on them. This paper mainly highlights on the concept of self-discipline, but also delves into enforced discipline, workplace discipline and mind discipline
Self-discipline is one of the forms of discipline that helps one to stay focused and typically includes staying away from the thrills of the moment and focusing on task at hand. Self-discipline acts as a motivating factor towards achieving one’s goals. Self-discipline has the advantage of focusing on self-knowledge as one gets to decide on what suits them. Thus, one of the most critical issues in self-discipline is self-knowledge, which requires self-analysis, and behavior of a period reflects their self-discipline as self-knowledge compliments efforts towards behavior that goes together with personal goals and objectives.
The benefits of practicing self-discipline are enormous as it often leads to more success. This process typically occurs as the practice of self-discipline enables one to change their character and become a better person (Tracy, 2010). Learning to use self-practice has a direct impact on the mind and emotions of a person, to the extent that there is positive change compared with when one is not self-disciplined. In essence, the practice of self-discipline enables one to pursue their goals with a clear mind with more resolute and determination, in a way that seeks to improve the situation after each time of trying. There is more hunger for success among self-disciplined people as they exert more self-discipline to achieve something they have not done previously.
Self-discipline as way to achieve success
Self-discipline is a habit and regular practicing is likely to have a positive impact on one’s life. In other words, it is doing what you ought to do on a daily basis, and within the required time as this becomes part of character. It almost comes out naturally with constant practice, and success happens when you do not make excuses for failure (Tracy, 2010). In any case, breaking out of bad habits is hard to achieve and good habits are hard to form. Nonetheless, the benefits of self-discipline are long term, and the beginning of anything always seems hard, but with time, things get easier. Self-control and self-mastery are closely related to self-control and upon practicing, it feels unnatural when not resulting to self-control behaviors.
Two of the biggest misconceptions are that to be successful you have to be born in wealth or lucky. Tracy (2010), dispels this notion by noting that self-discipline can help one achieve success and greatness, through focusing on life goals and following up on them through discipline. Nonetheless, achieving success is not always obvious to most people as they do not try hard enough to achieve success, or they seek to have immediate gratification. These are two impediments to success as noted by Tracy, and to overcome them one has to have self-discipline. In other words, focusing on the long-term impact of choices undertaken can help one to asses the impact of these consequences, but instant gratification and being lazy merely makes one to look into the short term. Achieving success in the personal, financial and business aspects of life is possible so long as one has self-discipline.
One of the elements that make self-discipline an important aspect of success is consistency. Consistency allows one to do things in an orderly manner, where everything is set and allocation of time depends on the task and requirements. Allocating time among talks allows one to be consistent and one does not focus too much on one area neglecting the other. Thus, achieving success often involves one taking measures to ensure there is efficiency as opposed to when there is no self control and a person simply acts on impulse , and making millions of dollars in life requires consistency on how manage finances. By following consistency, one can clearly tell the most important aspects that can facilitate one to achieve the set goals.
The concepts of self-discipline and goal setting allow one to focus on the most important aspects of the goals and leave out the trivial matters. According to Tracy (2010), success in life is typically preceded by long periods of goal setting. Goal setting sets the priorities right, and this requires a lot of dedication to achieve success after the goal is set, bit goal setting provides a road map through which one seeks to achieve their objectives. Thus, discipline is an important aspect for one to achieve success, but anyone can also learn self-discipline to also achieve great things. In essence, Tracy (2010) asserts that all people who achieve success owe much of this self-discipline and delaying gratification in order to achieve their set objectives. Similarly, ability to use self-discipline allows one to focus on tasks without divided attention and prioritization of the most important aspects of this.
To underline the role of discipline in achieving success in life, Tracy (2010) also highlights on the role of time management as an aspect of self-discipline. In essence, the author states that time management determines the quality of life and hence cannot be separated from self-discipline. Nonetheless, he views time management as being similar to personal management because time lost is never recovered. This notion extends from the observation that time management is not about the circumstances but life management in general. To achieve anything tangible time is of the essence, given that time cannot be replaced. In other words, success typically depends on time management, and maximizing value through time well spent ensures that there is success. The interaction between self-discipline and time management occurs when one chooses to prioritize on the most important aspects through applying self-discipline.
Types of discipline
There are various types of discipline depending on the whether it is at the workplace or child discipline. In the work place, self-controlled discipline relates to the way employees carry out duties within the organizational accepted behavior. This is similar to self-discipline and employees typically take into account the code of conduct, rules and regulations governing the work place. Thus, they are less likely to engage in activities that make the work place a difficult place to work, because of adherence to organization code. Under self-controlled discipline, employees tend to have peak performance, as there is self-discipline that enables them to perform to the best of their ability. Similarly, in the education setting, self-controlled discipline allows students to perform to the best of their ability.
Enforced discipline is the opposite of self-controlled discipline and results from enforcement from a figure of authority to juniors or subordinate staff. In the school, setting it is from the school head to the teaching staff and at times from teachers to students. This seeks to ensure that there is compliance with the code of conduct. Since discipline comes from the top level downwards, it mostly seeks to compel people to do as they are instruc...
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