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Admissions Essay

Essay Instructions:

In the admissions essay for the Graduate Program in School Psychology applicants should discuss their interest in school psychology and their reasons for applying to the program. They should provide relevant experiences and qualities that they will bring to the profession of school psychology.

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Admission Essay- School Psychology

Aspects of how performance can be influenced by attitudes and behavior have always intrigued me, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has broadened my understanding of psychological problems. The school is an agent of socialization, but it should also offer a holistic approach to education. Consequently, I will seek and strive to be a school psychologist in order to reduce behavioral problems among school going children and improve on the emotional well being of young students. As a keen observer, school psychology would suit me given that the field requires observation assessment and evaluation. Throughout the years, I have found observation to be an important indicator of behavior and this falls under the realm of psychology.
In my high school, we lost our house through a fire accident I caused, and I could not cope in school for months. My parents had worked hard to buy the house and in a matter of ninety minutes, it was all up in flames. I could not get past the horror of seeing my parents break down so badly. However, after visiting a school psychologist and going for three sessions I was able to accept what had happened and heal over time. This incident taught me that psychology is indeed important because through assessment one can use appropriate coping mechanisms. Consequently, admission to the school psychology program would be beneficial to the school and me. Having an interest in school psychology will allow me to use my own experience to reach out to children and teenage students. Your school program provides an opportunity for me to fulfill this ambition in a mutually beneficial manner.
My interest in school psychology is also complimented by experience, and through the graduate program, I will be able to offer better services as a school psychologist. After my undergraduate program, I volunteered to work with young children and experienced first hand the impact of behavior on school performance. This experience enabled me to differentiate between students who had difficulty in engaging with other students, and those who tended to be hyperactive. Even though, both categories of students had difficulty in learning, managing the behavior of students helps to improve on their performance. No matter how good a teacher is, if they do not take into account the behavior problems of children then they are likely to have little progress. Education psychology and school psychology compliment each other and I hope to bridge the gap between the two after graduating from the graduate program.
Having not interacted with children in the education setting, I hope to learn more about the psychology department in the graduate program. Intellectual ability is an aspect that affects the way school psycholog...
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