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Different Generations, Understanding Church, Relationships

Essay Instructions:

Talk to 3 people from three different Generations. Interview each regarding four of the following areas. Compare and contrast. Talk about the changes that have occurred and explain what impact these changes have had on society. 
Romantic relationships 
Family​ Chores 
Family time  

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Different Generations
Different Generations
People relate based on their generational backgrounds; each generation presents distinct attitudes, habits, norms and expectations. Understanding the three different generation's helps, us review changes that occurred during different periods and how the changes have affected the society. This paper presents interview results of three people from the three generations of centennials, the millennial and the generation X. The centennial is individuals born from 1996 onwards, while the millennial individuals born between 1977 to 1995 with generation x are individuals born between 1965 to 1976. Below are insightful information gathered during the interview.
Understanding of the Church
During the interview, the person interviewed represented Generation X was born in 1975; he stated that during their times attending church services was necessary. The church was a unifying factor. Music comprised of traditional styles of worship songs. People devoted most of their time in prayers, communal worship and attending to the needy. My second interviewee represented the millennial generation; he stated that most of her age mates do not value church. Instead, they are looking for situations that give them authenticity. Most people in her generations are skeptical about religion. People constantly question who they are and their role in the church. The third interviewee represented the centennial generation who felt that religion is not important they do not bother much about going to church. In older generation churches had some connection to God, the ceiling pointed to heaven, and every element linked human to God.Modern churches are constructed to host activities for people, not God.
According to the school system, Generation X lived during the industrial age. Schools were meant to prepare students to work in factories. The traditional school system included routines that were ruled by the bells. Students were passive learners who were expected to follow instructions and perform scheduled activities. For the millennial, education was important; teaching approaches were diverse as learners were more active than just passive listeners. The millennial generation is considered as the most educated generation in history, getting a college education was paramount as education was a big factor to achieve success in life. People made numerous sacrifices to get a college education. In future, this generation will remain the most educated generation
Centennial generation forms the largest generation, representing 25 percent of the world population. The centennial generation is known as the digital generation because they have never experienced the world without the internet. Significant learning during this age is characterized by the internet. Learning is practical and hand-on and more engaging compared to the old instruction based learning process witnessed in other generations.
In the older generation, recreational activities were meant to increase cohesion among different peer groups; activities like fishing and singing were common during the time. All this has changed, during the millennial era, most people engage in recreational activities like jogging walking, exercising to enhance their quality of life. The recreational process is...
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