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Interpreting Cost-Benefit Analyses Assignment

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For this Application Assignment, you evaluate the cost-benefit analysis of the program presented in the article, “A Cost-Benefit Study of a Breaking the Cycle Program for Juveniles.” As you examine the study, locate the key variables and consider the findings. Then consider whether you would continue or discontinue the program, based on the evidence presented in the study. As you formulate your answer, think about the advantages and disadvantages of continuing or canceling the program and the potential consequences for the affected community. 
The assignment (2 pages): 
Describe the key variables within the study and provide a summary of the analysis. 
Explain whether you would continue or discontinue the program, based on the evidence provided in the analysis, and why. 
Finally, explain potential consequences of your decision for the affected community.

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Interpreting Cost-Benefit Analyses
A Cost-Benefit Study of a Breaking the Cycle Program for Juveniles
Key variables and summary of the analysis
In research studies the key variables represent the characteristic that the researchers are interested in studying, and the variables can be ordinal, interval or ratio (Dattalo, 2010). In the study by Cowell, Lattimore, & Krebs (2010), the researchers sought to determine the costs and benefits of implementing the Juvenile Breaking the Cycle (JBTC) program an individualized program in the criminal justice system targeting the youth. In particular, the researchers focused on whether the treatment costs for the juveniles were justified when compared to the juvenile justice costs. The key variables that represented the total costs of the programs were the case management costs, treatment costs, and costs across juvenile justice agencies (Cowell, Lattimore, & Krebs, 2010). The costs were compared prior to the youth being enrolled in the JBTC program and twelve months after contact and involvement with the program. Other factors considered in the study included mental health problem, history of alcohol or and substance abuse, mental health treatment or counseling as well as contact and history with the juvenile system The study results showed that the costs per JBTC youth were higher compared to the comparison group 6 to 12 months after intake (Cowell, Lattimore & Krebs, 2010). The program cost estimates in the analysis were compared with that of the control group to determine the cost effectiveness using the cost-benefit approach.
Decision to discontinue the program
As the study focused on the cost effectiveness of the JBTC based on costs and benefits this will be the basis for determining whether to continue or discontinue ...
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