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Development of the Social Contract Theory According to Socrates and Locke

Essay Instructions:

At the end of Module Seven, you will submit a critical thinking and argumentation essay on a specific topic as your Final Project. Milestones have been set up for you in the course to help manage your time to complete this project. Refer back to the Course Introduction and your Module One and Two overviews to help guide you in approaching your topic.
1. Select the topic below as the focus of your essay.
- In Crito, Socrates gives three arguments for remaining in jail and allowing Athens to put him to death. One of the arguments is based on what later became known as social contract theory. Analyze Socrates' use of social contract theory and compare and contrast it with the versions of one of the following writers: Rousseau, Hobbes, or Locke.
Four to five pages, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and at least three citations. Citations must use APA format; refer to your Course Resources area for citation resources and tools.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Contract Theory

Having been a teacher to Plato, Socrates takes the position of one of the most influential philosophers that lived in his time. Even in his death, Socrates has remained at the top of some of the most accredited philosophers the world has ever seen. His works and that of his students such Plato are the basis for philosophical studies and analysis relative to the various theories that have been developed over the years (Isaacson, 2011). As mentioned earlier, even in his death he still has influence over the modern philosophy in light of theories developed. It is his death and the actions that came slightly, he met his end at the hands of the Athenians that resonates with significance and forms the basis for the paper. In Crito, the accounts of some of the last conversations that Socrates had formed the basis for development of the Social Contract Theory (Simpson, 2006).The arguments are developed from the conversation Socrates had with Crito, where the latter was arguing Socrates to accept his friends’ help to escape jail. Crito argued with Socrates over the fact, he would lose a friend, get blame over not helping Socrates escape, that his friends would not mind sacrificing for his escape and that he would leave his family unattended. In response Socrates gave three arguments, where he felt that escaping would ruin his soul, he also felt that he would not break his social contract to be judged under the laws of Athensand lastly that escaping jai would unjust.
The Social Contract Theory
The social contract theory is one of the oldest theories developed in philosophy. It is a theory that relates view that persons in a society have a moral code that is determined by their contract between the members. It is based on this reasoning that Socrates told Crito he was bound by the contract to obey the rule of the land, rather than run (Isaacson, 2011). The theory, though developed fully after Socrates death, has had subtle impact in the politicalsystems, especially in the western hemisphere.
The Theory According To Socrates
When Crito comes to visit Socrates in his jail cell, he insists on the plan hatched by his friends to help Socrates escape from jail and avoid the death penalty. Relative to the theory of social contracts, Socrates argues that it is his obligation to obey the rule of law that governs all the citizens in Athens. According to Socrates, the rule of law in Athens would lose meaning if the people did not honor the law and all of its provisions. Socrates believed that the laws made the society and every aspect of culture that the people followed.
It is important to point out that, Socrates did not in any way indicate that it was a must for anyone to follow the laws (Isaacson, 2011). His idea of the social contract theory rests in the free will to choose whether one would want to stay in Athens under the strict laws or go to other Greek cities under a different set of laws. However, he also does not agree with the view that social contracts can be the cause for social justice. For one to be just, according to Socrates, they have to recognize that they have the obligation to obey the laws of the land. He further connects this aspect of justice and that of the soul as brought out in the argument with Crito. A man that follows the laws and has a guarded soul is also viewed as happy person. This would explain the reason behind Socrates argument about losing his soul if he escaped. If Socrates prison, he felt that he would not be happy as would be expected in a new life and surroundings (Howenstein, 2009). According to Socrates a city is as strong as it laws and if these are not observed, the city would then come to ruins and disarray from the disorganization (Isaacson, 2011).
Theory according to John Locke
In the case of the theory, Socrates brought out the view that, men have to follow the law as part of their obligation to the set out standards in the society and as agreed upon between the members for prosperity and order. Locke on the hand expressed the view that, the social contract relates to the aspect of the State of Nature, which forces all rational men to obey the rule of law. Sovereignty of a nation is a form of absolute authority and all men must be bound by it (Henary, 2010). There is a similarity between what Socr...
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