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The Importance of Philosophy in My Life

Essay Instructions:

the reflection should be provided an overview of the importance of philosophy in my life and the effects that it might have in my life. the essay must address the following questions: What is Philosophy? Can philosophy help me live a better life? Why or Why not? What kind of philosophical parameters/theories do I use to determine my actions, my thoughts, in summary, the kind of live do i live? I live the kind of life I think it is the best life possible, right? Do I think that if other people lived my kind of life, the world would be a better place? Why or why not?

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Philosophy is literally the quest for wisdom; as such it can be labeled as an activity of thought. It presents itself as a particular style of thinking, which seeks to understand oneself and the world around us with close reference to the relationship that we form with what we interact with. Life is coupled with questions, arguments and answers about the basic elements of living(Gray). There are different areas of study when philosophy is considered as an academic field, such as, history of philosophy, metaphysics, ethics, epistemology and the aspects of logic (Philosophy.fsu.edu).
Wisdom is sometimes considered an abstract term and one that carries a certain degree of mystery. However, being wise is one of the fundamentals of life (Qcc.cuny.edu). Everyone seeks to be wise in their life to the time that they finally die. In wisdom, people can live through the troubled times and find happiness in the most of simplistic ways of their lives and that which they interact with (Gray, 2013). When considering happiness in isolation, it is also a term that would stern many, relative to the fact that, it does not literally mean that one is continuously in laughter and lightness of spirit. It simply means finding moments of joy that bring meaning to life, even in the midst of the turmoil that life is constantly becoming.Without wisdom it is not possible to find aspects of joy, even with all that surrounds us including those that we love are driving us in the opposite direction (Philosophy.fsu.edu).
In a lifetime, one is constantly faced with decisions that make or break the situations that one faces. We are able to argue cases more forcefully and apply approaches that are more flexible to the various factors that are in play. This way, one is able to embrace expression of thoughts in manner that would be considered critical and creative in nature. When applied to problem solving skills, one is able to see the solutions at different angles relative to the fact that, they are able to take apart the problem and see through issues that could have led to the situation in the first place, evaluate the damage and think through the best solution that will address all the parts of the problem in a sustainable manner (Philosophy.fsu.edu). When conflicted about an idea with people that we care about, wisdom will guide the process of solution development, which does not necessarily mean that we will win the tussle. This is basically because, solutions are related to relationships are not guided by wins and losses, but by the ability to find the most applicable solutions that would bring an end to the suffering regardless on the consequences one oneself. As such, philosophy is quite crucial in leading a fulfilled life, as it helps us to look for solutions that are beyond us and what we feel, for it is in the selfish thoughts that we falter in fostering quality relations with those around us. Simply, philosophy helps us to appreciate the complexity of life problems and embrace open minded elements of judgment (Rainbow).
Reflecting on the history of philosophy, with philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, Hobbes and Locke among others that have come after, there is an enjoining agenda in their work which resonates to modern philosophy, ethics. At the heart of philosophical parameters that are applied in life to make the best out of it are the ethical theories and principles. These are the baseline of any decision making process (Rainbow). They help one to make decisions that are ethically sound and ones that can be replicated in any situation despite the magnitude of spread and impact. The main steps that can be considered in the philosophical parameters are, making observations of the facts involved, appealing to the ideals or principles, considering the basic duties, rights and obligations, considering the consequences abound and the main conclusion of the decision making process. Of the main principles is one related to beneficence, where peoples choose to do good unto others, especially when they are presented with an ethical dilemma. The other principle is that of making sure that least harm is inflicted on others in light of decision making (Rainbow). Respect of autonomy is a principle that speaks to the element of letting people control their lives and make decisions without coercion, relative to the fact that, they are the on only ones that best know how they feel and what they want. The principle of justice, simply relates to ethi...
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