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Description of and Theory on Lisa Montgomery's Case

Essay Instructions:

The Final Paper requires your completion of a short paper, 4-5 pages minimum, on the topic of a specific Criminal Offender, Lisa Montgomery.

The paper should devote no more than 50% to the discussion and description of the crime(s). The other 50% or more should be focused on describing the motive and theory, and other important points listed in the Paper Instructions. Complete details on the Final Paper are in this PDF.

The theory used to analyze Lisa Montgomery should be selected from the uploaded file.

A top-grade paper will closely follow the instructions for formatting, number of sources, and answer the questions of the assignment.

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Lisa Montgomery’s Analysis
This thematic research paper focuses on giving a theory used to analyze a case study of Lisa Montgomery’s case. She was an offender found guilty of murder and sentenced to death. Lisa Montgomery is a mentally ill offender who has schizophrenia and is detached from reality. The paper explores the circumstances surrounding the crime, the court case, and the eventual execution.
Background information
The case focuses on the murder of the victim, a young pregnant lady in her early 20s. The offender is found guilty of the crime and is awarded the death penalty. She stands to be the only woman to face a death sentence. Many speculations followed as witnesses stated the conviction was not worthy due to the suspect’s mental illness.
Lisa Montgomery is the offender who had lived a challenging life marred with violence and crimes. She lived in a horrible household where sexual abuse, psychological and physical torture from her mother, who was a drunkard, was the order of the day. Lisa lived horribly and fell victim to gang rape. She was born with a mental disorder due to excessive drinking by both parents. Her mother’s lifestyle caused mental stress in her teenage years (Murphy, 2021). Her older sister Mattingly was rescued and nurtured well in a good home. Lisa suffers immensely, but no one comes to her rescue. Judy Shaughnessy, Lisa’s mother, divorced her husband and got married to jack, who defiles Lisa several times. Her chaotic life leads to poor performance in school. In reality, everybody around her knew everything about her abuses and poverty, but no action was taken. Her sister appears 34 years later to defend her. Lisa’s life experiences caused brain trauma, and she had bipolar disorder, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, disassociate, and traumatic brain injury.
The victim, Bobbie Jo Stinnet, a young woman, was newly married and pregnant. The crime occurs at her house. Her mother gets to know about it and calls the police. The scene is horrible, according to a statement given by Randy strong, a Nodaway County sheriff. The residents sympathize with Bobbie, “Bobbie deserves to be here; her family deserves her,” echoes Meghan, her high school friend (Grande, 2021). However, Lisa, the defendant, a federal lawyer, Kelley Henry, appeals for her clemency due to the disorder.
The crime was committed in 2004, when Lisa was 36 and the victim, Bobbie, 23 years. The case was determined 16 years ago, and the appeal is still going on as humanitarian activists and the UN Department of human rights fights for the pardon of Lisa. The prosecution continues under the law. The case is relevant to legal studies as we learn how handled cases, irrespective of the time frame. Its relevance gives students an insight into prosecution, investigations and helps in understanding past criminal offenses and how they apply to the present.
The crime scene is in Skidmore, Missouri, a small town so lowly populated that everyone knew Bobbie. The place is known for its residents’ rearing of rabbits and horses. Lisa drove 281.1 kilometers from Kansas to Skidmore to commit the crime. Lisa Montgomery, on arriving at the scene she overpowers Bobby, and she strangles her to death with a rope before taking out the fetus from her womb. They had known each other through the internet, but Lisa had all along disguised herself as Fischer. They talked over the business of puppies and pregnancy before the crime occurred (Grande, 2021). As Darlene Fischer also lied, Lisa was also expecting, which led to weeks of telling pregnancy tales. That’s how Lisa got to fish out Bobbie, killed her, performed the cesarean section, and took out her fetus.
The Theory: Schizophrenia Theory
Lisa Montgomery had experienced a series of miseries in her life. She was married with four children but got divorced and later on got married to another man. However, Lisa's ex-husband, who was also her stepbrother, continuously abused her while in marriage. Her mother forced her sterilization. That was against her will, and it deeply affected her emotionally. Her husband was abusive and violated her, as explained by Montgomery&rsq...
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