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Depression among Teenagers in New York

Essay Instructions:

Research and select source material for your research paper. In this assignment, you
will gain experience in APA style formatting as well as how to write summaries of
scholarly articles.
• Formatted in appropriate annotated bibliography format:
o Locate five scholarly resources relevant to your research paper topic.( Depression Among Teenagers In New York)
o After listing each source, in one paragraph, summarize the
source including but not limited to the overall study, the research
findings, and the result/conclusion.
• List each reference in APA style on the reference page. You will be able to use
this reference page in subsequent drafts of your paper.
Submit a Word document in APA format.
Maximum 3 pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages.
At least five resources

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Annotated Bibliography on Depression among Teenagers in New York
Annotated Bibliography on Depression among Teenagers in New York
The research will focus on depression among teenagers in New York. Literature review in regards to the proposed study will entail a study and thorough analysis of scholarly material from scholars and researchers who have had a keen interest in studying depression among teenagers. Scholars of interest will include Jane M Burns, Gavin Andrews, and Marianna Szabo, who conducted research in the causes of prevention among young people and how to prevent it. Martina Lotar researches the effects of peer pressures among adolescents. Lisa S. Meredith, in corroboration with other scholars and researchers, researches to identify barriers to the treatment for adolescents suffering from depression. The research by Sharif Mustafa and his peers on depression and suicidal ideation among university students will form part of the literature review. Jennifer P. Wisdom and peers research "what teens want: Barriers to seeking care for depression." The information gathered from the study by the scholars mentioned above will add value to the proposed topic on depression among teenagers in New York.
Burns et al. discuss various causes of depression among young individuals in their journal. In their journal, they explain how life occurrences can be associated with depression among youths. They explain two distinct ideologies to justify their line of thought. The journal explains how unfortunate events taking place in the lives of individuals can result in heightened levels of depression among the youths. Such misfortunes resulting from the above situation include a long history of depression within the family; hence depression could be hereditary.
Burns et al., however, offers ideologies on what could be done to treat, prevent, and reduce cases of depression among teenagers. Then they have a strong foundation for their line of thought since they have used more than thirty references from different authors. The information contained in their journal is, therefore, quite objective. It is due to this reason that I shall include their view and opinions in the literature review.
Marina Lotar, in her research on the effects of peer pressure in adolescents, establishes a connection through which peer pressure leads to depression. Teenagers tend to develop a pessimistic way of handling challenges due to peer pressure and peer influence. She goes ahead to identify the indicators that one could be suffering from depression. The information from her study will be instrumental in my research since that will be of great importance while identifying my subjects. While interacting with the target group, I shall be objective in establishing peer pressure's effects on the youths. Most teenagers tend to do things aimed at pleasing their peers. It, however, proves challenging to them when ...
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