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David Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

Essay Instructions:
write at least one paragraph - What are the differences between thoughts (or ideas) and impressions? Write at least one paragraph - what are the limits to thought? In other words, where do thoughts or ideas come from? Write at least one paragraph -What is the difference between "relations of ideas" and "matters of fact"? Write at least two paragraphs -How is Hume's argument about the idea of cause and effect an example of empiricism? What I mean by this is that Hume goes in search of impression (the sense-experience) from which that idea is derived. But the experience turns out not to be what we expect. Attempt to identify what that experience is, as well as each step in his argument.
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What are the differences between thoughts (or ideas) and impressions?
When David Hume talks about impressions, this simply means sensations while ideas basically mean imaginings and memories. The main difference is that the ideas are always less vivacious in comparison to the ideas. Impressions are lively perceptions in comparison to ideas. Classical examples are impressions are what we see, hear, hate, desire or will among others. Ideas on the other hand are the perceptions that are less lively; we are conscious about them and occur when we reflect on the aforementioned sensations and movements. According to Hume, ideas come about due either imagination of a person working together with the specific person`s sensation. Ideas may also be brought about by mere sensation about a particular happening. Hume clarifies that the creativity faculty uses about four mental operations and is what produces imaginings due to sense-impressions. The mental operation involving the addition of ideas into another, substituting an idea with a different one, augmenting and involve diminishing of some of the ideas. There are also instances of mixing together, separation and also dividing and all these happenings during the process of producing the imaginings. The ideas are brought about by a series of combined impressions from variety of experiences that had been experienced previously. Ideas are not innate as in the case of impressions which are innate
What are the limits to thought? In other words, where do thoughts or ideas come from?
The origin of idea can be said to be in our mind from experiences. Hume describes the ideas as naturally faint and also obscure. The mind thinly holds the ideas in them and once an individual is subjected to a certain experience, the idea from the previous occurrences generates itself and therefore manifests itself to give a concise understanding. The ideas can be gained by borrowing the concept from the resembling idea. Hume gives an instance where one can use a term without clear distinct meaning but such an individual may be doing so on the presumption or with imagination that the term may be having a determinate idea close to the one used.
What is the difference between "relations of ideas" and "matters of fact"?
Human reasoning ...
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