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Cyber Harassment

Essay Instructions:
  • You already submitted a paper outline assignment, so you could use that document as your template to build out the final paper
  • If you use this document as a template, remember to copy in your prior work from the outline submission. Then make the needed improvements and adjustments based on feedback and your additional research.
  • This document reminds you of some basics and the sections you should have
  • Your final paper document should have helpful filename.
    e.g., STUDENTNAME PAPERTOPIC 2024-xx-xx.docx (use current date)

e.g.  Smith John Cybersecurity Laws 2024-8-12.docx

  • You may download and save this document to your computer
  • Put in effort, have some fun, learn through the process.
  • Confused or questions? Ask in class, email me prior, or include at the end with your submission. Above all, do your best, remember the goal of this assignment is your effort and learning.
  • Remove all instructions prior to submitting.
  • Your final paper should be well proofread and polished.
  • Do not include a table of contents, executive summary, or abstract.







The Title of the Paper

Use Title Caps. DON’T USE ALL CAPS.

Work from the paper title submitted with your outline.

Then, improve it as needed. Incorporate feedback.

A wonderful, crisp title that informs the reader about what the paper is about

Be clear and direct. Communicate clearly. Don’t be overly clever or cute.

1. Introduction

This is your first point in the outline, your first section of the paper

First paragraph of introduction

  • See prior instructions for this single paragraph to introduce your paper.
  • Do not introduce or summarize broad concepts, such as the Internet, cybercrime, etc.
  • Your introduction can have a hint of conclusion, now that you know better where your paper is going

Additional introduction paragraphs as needed.

Avoid getting into too many details or citations in the introduction.

2. Section header (that you create)

This section header corresponds to your outline’s bullet point, improved as needed.

This section should be about law.

Text of this section

Footnote citations preferred.


3. Section header

Another point on law?

Text of this section


4. Section header

Text of this section


x. Another section header if needed

Replace the “x” with the appropriate number of this section

Text of this section

Remember, your paper should have 5-7 main points.


x. Another section header if needed

Replace the “x” with the appropriate number of this section

Text of this section

Remember, your paper should have 5-7 main points. 

x. Conclusion

Replace the “x” with the appropriate number of this section

Text of this section

Don’t cover new ground in the conclusion.

Conclude your paper.


List all the relevant references you have reviewed in your research.

Consider starting with the highest priority authorities (e.g., U.S. Constitution).

List references even if you already properly cited them within the paper.

Include all relevant prior references from prior submissions.

Delete any references which were not relevant.

Your research should have started with materials on our syllabus, then expanded from there.

Make sure you have read the references you listed.

Make sure the citations allow the reader to find what you cited.

Check your citation form here and within the paper.

List relevant laws, regulations, and cases

Student reflection, comments, and questions

1. List any and all consultations with the school library, including date, time, person consulted, how it went.

2. List any and all consultations with the school writing center, including date, time, person consulted, how it went.

3. How did this final paper submission go for you? How has the overall process gone for you over the semester?


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name

Professor’s Name



Cyber Harassment

Undoubtedly, the internet has been significantly helpful to millions of people since it enables them to access vital information and entertainment, among other benefits. The contrary is true because many others have fallen victim to vicious attacks from anonymous people in what is famously known as cybercrime. More often than not, the mention of cybercrime brings to mind such aspects as cyber fraud, scams, or other acts that involve money. In a word, most people believe cybercriminals engage in cybercrime to extort money from their victims. However, there is a type of cybercrime known as cyber harassment that does not necessarily involve the extortion of money. Cyber harassment is a type of cybercrime that’s easy to happen, and it pertains to unconsented conduct, including the use of threatening, offending, or harassing messages via social media platforms. One element of cyber harassment that continues to generate considerable concern is that many people do not even know they are cyber criminals or victims of the crime. This happens under the illusion that the offender is exercising freedom of speech, which is enshrined in the Constitution. Teenagers easily fall victim to this type of cybercrime due to various factors. For instance, most teenagers tend to spend a substantial amount of their time online, which exposes them to cyber threats. This research paper will talk about the difference between free speech and harassment. In addition, it will examine the legal issues of protected speech and criminal harassment.

The First Amendment

As indicated previously, most people either commit or fall victim to cyber harassment unknowingly and largely due to ignorance. To be specific, offenders and victims mistake harassment for freedom of speech. Indeed, law enforcement officials in the United States formulated harassment as an analog remedy to counter cyber-attacks that involve speech (Weinstein 53). It would be crucial to note that the First Amendment cushions individuals from prosecution for exercising free speech to an extensive degree. This, therefore, makes it tricky for courts and law commentators to establish what should be deemed as cyber harassment. In this regard, they have to determine whether the perpetrator's speech falls within the confines of the narrow and traditional exceptions of the First Amendment. The exceptions include defamation, obscenity, true threats, or fighting words. More often than not, substantiating the aforementioned exceptions proves an uphill task, 

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