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Discourse Analysis to a Recorded Conversation

Essay Instructions:

Please read the grading rubric before you begin.

In this assignment, you will be practicing applying discourse analysis to a recorded conversation. Our course textbook (Hasty et al., 2022) features a mini-fieldwork activity on “Dispute Analysis” (p. 205). That exercise is essentially a simplified version of discourse analysis, the qualitative data analysis method used to investigate the contexts of conversations in order to understand the social meanings reflected in the interaction.

All of our social interactions take place within multiple cultural contexts. Discourse analysis allows researchers to explore those contexts through a systematic examination of recorded conversations. Our use of the term discourse analysis conforms to the second definition provided by Rosalind Gill (2000)Links to an external site., focusing on “the functional or action orientation of discourse” (p. 174). Clayman and Gill (2012)Links to an external site. refer to this version of discourse analysis simply as conversation analysis. The articles by Nordquist (2020)Links to an external site., Crosley (2021)Links to an external site., and Drew (2023)Links to an external site. offer more brief and accessible definitions and examples of discourse analysis

Directions for this assignment:

Select one or two people to engage in a recorded conversation on a topic of your choosing. By now, you should all be comfortable enough with your group mates, so you might want to consider approaching them to collaborate on this assignment. Recording an entire collaboration session with your Ethnography group is a good way to combine the assignments.

You may take part in the conversation or, if you have at least two volunteer participants, you may observe them. Then, you can reciprocate by volunteering for their conversation.

The conversation should take place over Zoom and must be recorded. This will provide you with a video recording and an audio transcript (but, be advised, there will be some errors in the transcription; for our purposes, this is not overly important and you can correct errors in any text you quote).

Working from the video and transcript, evaluate the conversation to identify what it reveals about the shared and/or disputed understandings of the context and the relationships of the participants.

Participants – identify who is involved. Pseudonyms may be used

Status – Are any status differences reflected in the interaction?

Turn-taking – often an indication of status differences.

Tone -- here, the video will be necessary to identify the interpreted meanings behind the way the text was delivered (sincere, confused, defensive, angry, sarcastic, etc.).

Themes – what patterns do you notice in how the conversation proceeds? What taken-for-granted shared assumptions are reflected in the conversation? What miscommunications (if any) do you notice? Was a firm agreement of these assumptions ever achieved?

As you analyze the text, you may want to create a coding system to help you identify and keep track of the elements you identify

Track your analysis on the template Download templateprovided

Report your findings in a 3-4 page paper, citing dialogue from the conversation and sources on discourse analysis that guided you in conducting the analysis. Include a link to the Zoom recording of the conversation (or an mp4 video, for in-person recordings). Assignment submissions without a Zoom link (or video file) will receive a 0 (zero).


Clayman, S. E., & Gill, V. T. (2004). Conversation analysis. In M. Hardy & A. Bryman (Eds.), Handbook of data analysis (pp. 580-606). Sage. 

Crosley, J. (2021). What (exactly) is discourse analysis? A plain language explanation & definition (with examples). Grad Coach. 

Drew, C. (2023, January 8). 21 great examples of discourse analysis. Helpful Professor. 

Gill, R. (2000). Discourse analysis. In M. Bauer & G. Gaskell (Eds.), Qualitative researching with text, image, and sound: A practical handbook (pp. 172-190). Sage. 

Hasty, J., Lewis, D. G., & Snipes, M. M. (2022). Introduction to anthropology. OpenStax. 


Discourse Analysis Assignment Transcription Notes and Template.docx Download Discourse Analysis Assignment Transcription Notes and Template.docx

21 great examples of discourse analysis (Chris Drew, 2023)Links to an external site.

What (exactly) is discourse analysis? A plain language explanation & definition (with examples (Crosley, Jenna 2021)Links to an external site.

Understanding the use of language through discourse analysis: Observing how various means of discourse create context (Richard Nordquist, 2020)Links to an external site.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discourse Analysis Exercise

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Due Date

Unveiling Truths


Brave and outspoken, John is committed to advocating for LGBTQ rights in his country. He has a compelling personal journey that fuels his passion for activism. Lauren, on the other hand, exudes confidence and resilience. She is actively involved in LGBTQ community initiatives and proudly embraces this identity.

Via Zoom

John: Hey Lauren, it has been a while. How are you coping with all this drama?

Lauren: Hey John! I am good, you know, same old. But things in the community have been a bit intense lately.

John: I feel you. It is like we take one step forward and two steps back sometimes. The battles never seem to end.

Lauren: True that. Speaking of battles, have you seen the latest news? The whole debate about gender-neutral restrooms is back on.

John: Ugh, seriously? It is 2023, and we are still fighting for something as basic as that. Makes my blood boil.

Lauren: Right? Then, people wonder why we are so passionate about pride parades. It is not just about celebration but a protest, a statement.

John: Exactly! I transitioned to being true to myself, a commitment that helps fight the forces of marginalization and prejudice. Sometimes, it feels like society cannot catch up.

Lauren: Preach! And look at the stigma around sexual orientation. You know we are all fighting for the same thing but from different battlefields.

John: (nodding) It is like we are all in this big puzzle, but some folks are still trying to force the wrong pieces together. I cannot even go to church with the rest due to fear of being labeled an LGBTQ activist.

Lauren: (laughs) That is a vivid way to put it. My mum has always been skeptical of my activism. But seriously, how do we bridge these gaps? How do we make people understand?

John: Education, Lauren. It is the key. We must encourage people to share their stories, break those stereotypes, and let people see the real faces behind the labels.

Lauren: You are right. Personal connections and stories have a way of changing hearts. But sometimes, it is exhausting always being the educator, you know?

John: Yeah, the emotional labor can be overwhelming. However, we are strong.

Lauren: (smiles) You are damn right, John.

John: (raising a coffee cup) Here is to breaking barriers, challenging norms, and making the world a little more inclusive, one conversation at a time.

Lauren: (clinks cups) Cheers to that, John.

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