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Cyber-attacks on Government Institutions (SOS 110) Living in the Information Age Written Assignment 3

Essay Instructions:

Written Assignment 3 Select and write a 500-word paper on the following topic. This is the first in a series of writing assignments that require you to document the sources used in your paper. Please document your paper using the guidelines in Note on Documentation. Note particularly the reference to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) that directs you to specific information on two popular formats: MLA 2009 Formatting and Style Guide: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/747/01/ APA Formatting and Style Guide: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Using the articles you have read for this module, write a 500-word essay on what you believe to be the greater threat to the nation—cyber-crime directed against individuals or terrorist cyber-attacks on national institutions. Provide your opinion, supported by readings, on whether the United States is active enough in countering these threats. Note: Please remember to proofread your assignment carefully before you submit it. Click the following link, which provides proofreading tips as well as information about how your assignment will be graded: Tips for Written Assignments)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

(SOS 110) Living in the Information Age Written Assignment 3
(SOS 110) Living in the Information Age Written Assignment 3
Cyber-crime is developing into an established and organized venture where malicious people intend to extort innocent civilians or cause problems to governments. The availability of advanced technology and skills to customers, national governments, and individuals worsens the situation. In fact, Caldwell and Williams (2012) reveal that the current methodologies for tracking cyber-criminals are overwhelmed owing to the use of automated tools by the criminals. What is cyber-crime? They are criminal activities that use information technology for illegal access or interceptions. It encompasses telemarketing and internet fraud, identity theft, unauthorized access to information, and hates crimes. This paper argues that cyber-attacks on government institutions are bigger threats than cyber-attacks on individuals by including the America government's effort to combat this menace.
Cyber-attacks on Government Institutions
Cyber-attacks on government institutions could lead to wars or affect a larger population than cyber-attacks on individuals. For instance, the Estonian government experienced a cyber-attack in the spring of 2007. The attack on their government system was defined as a cyber-crime, cyber terror, and cyber warfare. The Estonian government responded by moving a Russian war memorial honoring an unknown Russian who fought the Nazis. This move led to the blocking of the Estonian embassy in Russia after Russians revolted. It also marked the beginning of Denial-Of-Service attacks on the Estonian national institutions such as the prime minister's party and government ministries. Estonian civilians could not access government services because of the cyber-attacks. It also led to hatred between the Estonian and Russian governments.
Cyber-attacks on Individuals
According to the National Fraud Cent...
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