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Current Issue: Ethical Issues in World Cup 2022 Bidding Process

Essay Instructions:


In the Current Issues Assignment, you will investigate a current issue occurring in the business of sport. Topics may come from policies implemented by a sport governing body, legal or ethical issues being faced by sport organizations, financial topics, etc. If you are unsure whether your topic would be appropriate, contact your professor. Your assignment will inform the reader about everything they need to know about the given topic. You will need to use a minimum of five (5) sources.


This assignment will consist of the following sections:

 Title Page: Follow the APA style guide.

 Overview of the Issue: A one paragraph summary of the issue to be discussed.

 Key Concepts: Make a connection to SMGT issues covered so far in the text. Specifically, these should relate to one or more of the functional areas of sport management: Management, Marketing, Finance, Law, and Ethics.

 Organizations Involved: A list and description of the organizations that are impacted by this issue. Consider the multiple levels of sport, media, sponsors, host community, etc.

 Individuals Involved: A list and description of the key individuals who have a role to play in this issue.

 Timeline of Important Events: Provide a brief history of the issue in chronological format including the key happenings involving the organizations/people above. Depending on the issue, you may not be able to include each event in your timeline.

 News Stories: Include a brief summary with links to key news stories. A focus should be placed on articles from reputable news sources, and those articles where news first broke, and/or articles that provide thorough information. At least three (3) stories should be referred to in this section.

 Reference Page: Your reference list should include a minimum of five (5) sources. All sources should be cited using APA style. Each source should also be cited properly in the body of the paper when information from that source is used.

Format: The body of your paper should be a minimum of four (4) pages (the page count does not include the Title Page or the Reference Page). Use one-inch margins, double-spaced lines, and 12-point Times New Roman font. The Overview, Key Concepts, and News Stories should be written in sentence/paragraph form. The Organizations Involved, Individuals Involved, and Timeline of Important Events sections may use bullet points, but complete sentences must be used in the descriptions (like what you see in the instructions above). Since this is your summary of the issue based on what you have read, the wording should be your own; do not use quotes, or copy/paste information. The University Honor Code applies.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Issues in World Cup 2022 Bidding Process
Student’s Name
Due Date
Ethical Issues in World Cup 2022 Bidding Process
Overview of the Issue
The global men's soccer governing body, FIFA, awarded the 2022 World cup hosting rights to Qatar in a process marred by corruption in 2010. With one of the biggest events less than a month from kick-off, questions about the process through which Qatar won the bid are being questioned. An investigation of the bidding process by the United States Department of Justice found that representatives hired by Russia and Qatar to present the World Cup bid bribed FIFA to acquire the hosting rights. According to evidence that emerged from the investigations, Qatar representatives bribed five members to guarantee its spot as the host of the 2022 World Cup.
Key Concepts
Notably, the chosen issue is connected to ethics as a functional area in sports management. Seven key ethical principles have been considered a necessity for the success of sports governing bodies. First, sports governance bodies are expected to be transparent about clarity in the decision-making process and procedures (Lumpkin & Stoll, 2011). Second, sporting bodies should be accountable to all key stakeholders involved in a given sport (Lumpkin & Stoll, 2011). Sporting organizations have to offer evidence that they are making sound decisions that evidence their accountability to various stakeholders in a given sport. Third, sports governing bodies are expected to embody democracy by making sure that all stakeholders have access to representation in the decision-making process followed by the organization. The other four essential ethical principles that should guide ethical decision-making in sports governing bodies include responsibility, equity, efficiency, and effectiveness (Lumpkin & Stoll, 2011). The extent to which FIFA observed the seven ethical principles in choosing Qatar as the 2022 World Cup host nation bid remains a key ethical concern.
Organizations Involved
The issue affects several organizations at multiple levels. Notably, FIFA is the organization that is most affected by the issue, given that the investigations directly implicate the governing body in corruption practices. The issue also affects several national football bodies that were involved in the bidding process as well as the selection process. Russia, Qatar, United States, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and England national football federations are directly involved, as they were the national bodies who had placed their bid to serve as hosts. On the other hand, the issue indirectly implicates Argentina, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guatemala soccer federations. 21st Century Fox is also implicated in the issue as the media that was given the right to televise the global sporting event. Another media company implicated in the case was Uruguay’s Full Play. 
Individuals Involved
Many individuals were implicated in the issue. Julio Grondona from Argentina soccer federation, Nicolas Leoz from Paraguay soccer federation, Ricardo Texeira from Brazil soccer federation, Jack Warner from Trinidad and Tobago, and Rafael Salguero from Guatemala are said to have received bribes to vote in a specific way that favored Russia and Qatar bids. The FIFA president, Sepp Blatter, and Michel Platini was implicated in the issue given his role as the acting president of the governance body in 2010. Russian President Vladimir Putin is also implicated in the issue after his act of awarding a medal to the FIFA president following the conclusion of the 2018 world Cup. Hernan Lopez and Carlos Martinez are two sports media executives who were also charged in the case. Gerard Romy, wh...
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