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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Gender Socialization and Racism

Essay Instructions:

be based on modules 4-8.

You do not need to cover all 4 modules for reflection paper #2. Each reflection paper will be 4-5

pages (double-spaced, 12pt font, number your pages). The 4-5 page limit does not include the

title page and reference page. Please use APA format.

Reflection Paper Guidelines Students will submit two reflection papers in the course. Each reflection paper is worth 25% of the final mark in the course. Reflection paper #1 will be based on modules 1-3. You do not need to cover all 3 modules for reflection paper #1. Reflection paper #2 will be based on modules 4-8. You do not need to cover all 4 modules for reflection paper #2. Each reflection paper will be 4-5 pages (double-spaced, 12pt font, number your pages). The 4-5 page limit does not include the title page and reference page. Please use APA format. Select any number of topics or themes from the lectures or textbook chapters to discuss. Given the page limit, most students will likely discuss approximately 2-6 topics or themes. The purpose of the reflection paper is to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of course content and develop a thoughtful and critical analysis and/or application of course content. Critical analysis can include critique, however the term refers more broadly to writing that provides analysis and thoughtful discussion and/or application of course content. The course content that you are discussing can include theories, concepts, studies, findings, trends, examples etc. Limit or avoid summarizing course content in your reflection paper

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Part 1
Gender socialization is one of the subtopics of socialization. I agree with the readings that socialization is one of the vital components of human survival. Human beings are social beings; therefore, we need other people to interact with them and learn from them. However, different societal roles, especially in the past, were divided along gender lines, i.e., between men and women. Women were considered weak, and all they could do was get married, bear children and start taking care of the family, as men would go out to work to provide for their families. For example, in the past, women were not allowed to participate in politics. As such, the women were not allowed to participate in voting like their male counterparts. However, considering women's role in society, I believe that women should be encouraged to put more effort into and be more active toward the nation's growth.
One of the reasons why I believe a woman should be powered to be more active in nation-building is because it enhances equality. All human beings are equal regardless of social, economic, or gender orientation. As such, not allowing women to play an active role in society implies that women are inferior while men are considered superior. Providing women with equal opportunities just like their male counterparts will encourage them to challenge themselves, for example, by participating more in school (Colavecchia, S. 2021. SOCIOL 1Z03 Lecture 4.). The lecture readings show that the number of women graduating has significantly increased. For example, according to the lecture materials, the number of women with bachelor's degrees in Canada between 2006 and 2016 aged 25 to 34 years was high than that of men (Colavecchia, S. 2021. SOCIOL 1Z03 Lecture 4.). This means that in the future, women will play a significant role in society.
However, there is also a huge threat of overpowering the female gender. There needs to be a good balance between both genders. I feel that overpowering women at the expense of their males may discourage young boys who might feel that nobody cares about their welfare. This would result in fewer males graduating from school, among other challenges. Therefore, I would recommend that appropriate measures be put in place to ensure equality and that one gender does not suffer at the expense of the other.
Based on the readings, I have come to appreciate the vital role of socialization in our lives. As such, it would be necessary to look at some of the ways that one can improve on their socialization skills. One way to improve socialization skills is to improve your emotional intelligence. This involves trying to understand what others are feeling by putting yourself in their shoes (Campbell, 2022). One should also practice effective communication. It is advisable that one effective tactic, such as active listening as well as open body language, will together help improve attentiveness. Such practices, among others, will help improve a person's socialization skills, enabling people to live together.
Finally, the family structure has evolved from the traditional structure. Today, transnational families and Living Apart Together (LAT) have become more prominent (Colavecchia, S. 2021. SOCIOL 1Z03 Lecture 5.). I believe the new family structure system has some disadvantages over the traditional one. For one, families do not get to spend time togeth...
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