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Culture, Power, and Status

Essay Instructions:


Post an analysis of the demonstration that you viewed in the context of culture, power, and status. In your analysis, be sure to:

Describe who holds power in the conversation and at what points. Who has high status and who has low status, and how do you know? Be specific and provide examples.

In general, describe how culture relates to the status roles people take.

Review your course announcements for possible information related to this week’s Discussion and Assignment.

Review all of the Learning Resources assigned for this week. Pay special attention to the information on status play in the Nieto and Boyer and Changing Minds articles.

View the University (2020b) Status Play video in the Learning Resources, and select one of the demonstrations within it to use for this Discussion.

Review the selected demonstration, paying close attention to the interaction between the people and how power is shown through status.

Observe body position, eye contact, tone, statements, and moment-to-moment changes in status.


Critical Media Project. (n.d.). Why identity matters.Links to an external site. https://criticalmediaproject(dot)org/why-identity-matters/

Gay, R. (2012, May 16). Peculiar benefits.Links to an external site. The Rumpus. https://therumpus(dot)net/2012/05/peculiar-benefits/

Jacob, S. A., Palanisamy, U. D., & Chung, C. M. C. (2017). Perception of a privilege walk activity and its impact on pharmacy students’ views on social justice in a service learning elective: A pilot study.Links to an external site. Journal of Pharmacy Practice & Research, 47(6), 449–456. https://doi(dot)org/10.1002/jppr.1322

Note: Go to page 455 of the article and read through the “Statements” section for this week’s Reflective Assignment.

Chicago Humanities Festival. (2018, January 10). Beverly Daniel Tatum: Why are all of the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?Links to an external site. [Video]. YouTube. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=PGZniOuoREU&feature=youtu.be

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 59 minutes.

Changing Minds. (n.d.). Status conversations.Links to an external site. http://changingminds(dot)org/techniques/conversation/types/status_conversation.htm

Nieto, L., & Boyer, M. F. (2006). Understanding oppression: Strategies in addressing power and privilege. Download Understanding oppression: Strategies in addressing power and privilege. ColorsNW.

Credit line: Nieto, L., & Boyer, M. F. (2006). Understanding oppression: Strategies in addressing power and privilege. https://www(dot)evergreen(dot)edu/sites/default/files/writingcenter/docs/cv/Nieto_Ask%20Leticia.pdf

Walden University. (2020b). Status play [Video]. Walden University Blackboard. https://waldenu(dot)instructure(dot)com

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Culture, Power and Status Discussion
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Culture, Power and Status Discussion
One can infer who holds power in the conversation depending on different contexts. The power shifts depending on the conversation and the topic being discussed. For instance, the Male speaker tells Max to set up the table (Walden University, 2020). At this point, the Male speaker holds a position of authority due to his ability to issue commands. In addition, the Male speaker also holds power when he interrogates the Female speaker over a crime she had committed. At this point, the male speaker holds power as an interrogator.
Nieto & Boyer 2006) indicate that status is a superficial level of interaction. Status can also be inferences based on the situation and context in the video. For example, the Male speaker congratulates the Female speaker for achieving ...
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